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Re: For Your Protection
9/9/2006 9:42:01 AM
:-) Thanks, this was ironic and good reading

Best regards
Re: For Your Protection
9/9/2006 9:55:42 AM

Hi Nick

Thanks for caring!  These are very important things that we should memorise.  It's what we should be teaching our children and grandchildren as well. 

I always lock myself in the car while I wait for my husband and I always park close to the grocery shop door when shopping at night. 

 Bless you and take care.

Warm Regards Elizabeth


EA Gough
Steve Baric

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Re: For Your Protection
9/9/2006 10:00:44 AM
Excellent safety tips. We can't be too careful these days (incidentally, many of these apply to guys as well...guys do still get mugged you know :) )

FYI...the crying baby thing is a complete hoax.

Just type in "crying baby on her porch" into Google and see what comes up. You'll see this exact message listed there as an entry at

whenever you get an alarmist email like this, just check a few key phrases at Google to find out if it's legitimate, or just some silly scare tactic.
Steve Baric
Kathleen Vanbeekom

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Re: For Your Protection
9/9/2006 10:07:22 AM

Hi Nick, that crying baby thing is scary!  I've gone out during the day for a howling kitten and the neighbor's whining dog. 

I have other tips my father told me, abductors go after women with long hair, ponytails, or those who have their hair up in a bun, because its easier to grab a longhaired woman than a short haired woman.  Also, many sexual assaults occur between 5:30 a.m. and 8:30 a.m. when women are out jogging or going out to their cars in the morning when it's still dark, or when girls are going out to school.

Lisa Westberry

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Re: For Your Protection
9/9/2006 10:17:16 AM

Hello Nick,

Thank you for this important message and help. I have spread the word to our friends.

God Bless,



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