
Re: Dance as if no one’s watching...
8/31/2006 11:58:43 AM

I used to be a competitive ballroom dancer and that was something my teacher almost has tattoed on me......I have always followed that since then....When all is said and done, it's better to have danced your own dance ,. then dance to the tune of others. There song will end and you will be left with no music of your own



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Deborah Skovron

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Re: Dance as if no one’s watching...
8/31/2006 12:06:02 PM

Hi Bogdan,

     My Grandmother was Irish and used to say a version of this.

    Thank you.

Your Good Friend


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Barb Doyle

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Re: Dance as if no one’s watching...
8/31/2006 3:03:38 PM

Hi Bogdan,

I love this quote and try to live by it's message every day!

Peace, Health and Prosperity,
Barb Doyle, Sc

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Jenny SJ

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Re: Dance as if no one’s watching...
8/31/2006 6:48:56 PM
Hi Bogdan,

Love the quote and try to live by it. 

The trouble is that my kids have started to walk on the other side of the street when they are out with me!  Do you have another quote for them??

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Re: Dance as if no one’s watching...
8/31/2006 6:58:05 PM

My Beloved and Respected Brother Bogdan.....!

Thank you for your invitation.

Thank you for sharing this "Lovely Quote" and let us all start living accordingly.

Thanking you, once again.

May God bless you with all "His Riches" (Amen).

With lots of Love, Affection, Respect and Prayers.....!

Your Ever Loving Brother,

Mohamed Gani.

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