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Flag of Kathy Hamilton

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Opportunities are seldom labeled.
8/24/2006 3:43:36 AM
Hello My friends, In 1970, Wally started baking chocalate chip cookies for his friends, using a recipe and procedure that had been passed down from his aunt Della. For five years he gave away every batch he made. even though people often told him that his cookies were so good that he should go intobusiness and sell them. Wally had other ideas though, He was determined to become a big time show business manager, Then one day a friend, BJ Gilmore, told him that she had a friend who could put up thr money for a cookie making business. Her friend never made the investment, buy wally got some of his own friends, ,he had famous music people put up money for him. then wally was off and running. Originally, he intended to open up only one store on sunset just enough to make a living. After all,his was the only one store in the world dedicated to the sale of nothing but chocalate chip cookies, But business grew overnight, Wally's famous amos chocalate chip cookies were distributed world wide, Wally himself become a spokesperson for other products from eggs to airlines to telephone company. While, he once dreamed of managing stars he now is one in his own right. Sometimes dreams come through the back door, keep it unlocked.!!!! Kathy/ (mosgoogle)
I walk by faith not by sight Profit Clicking
Flag of Robert Talmadge

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Re: Opportunities are seldom labeled.
8/24/2006 6:29:12 AM
"You have to accept whatever comes and the only

important thing is that you meet it with the

best you have to give."

-Eleanor Roosevelt

Robert Talmadge To follow your dream, follow your heart.
Flag of Ted Kusie

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Re: Opportunities are seldom labeled.
8/24/2006 7:54:52 AM
SO true!  Thanks Kathy.
God Bless Your Success! Ted Kusie Your Adland Friend Winnipeg, Canada Here is Your Money!
Re: Opportunities are seldom labeled.
8/24/2006 8:46:36 AM

Opportunities come in diverse ways. One way is through problems. I have a saying, every solution creates another problem. (No cars, no tires, no mechanics, no highways, no gas stations.) A problem that you have is probably the same problem had by many others. Solve your problem and you may have solved the problem of many others, also.

Your problem could be lack of food, or lack of housing, or lack of clothing. Create a means to give away food and others will give you food to give away. Create a means to give away clothing, and others will give you clothing to give away. As you administer the food or clothing program, you will have food and clothing for yourself. There is a saying, “God will give through you what he won’t give to you.”

No job, create you a job. Have a truck? You have a job. Run an ad (sometimes they are free) and do some hauling. Charge the cost of dumping, the cost of the driver, and the cost of the truck as an employee. If the driver gets $10.00 per hour, the truck gets $10.00 per hour and $20.00 for hauling. That’s $40.00. Now make it a two hour minimum and that’s $80.00. If it takes 3 hours, it’s $80. If it takes ten minutes, it’s $60.00 If you have to hire help add that to your price.

Fear is also a good indicator of opportunities. That which you are afraid of is probably that which many others are afraid of. Conquer your fear and you have the edge over many others who have not conquered their fear. Sometimes it’s fear of failure, sometimes it’s fear of success.

If there is a job that everyone else in your company hates, or is afraid to do, driving a certain route, or working a certain shift can frequently be a way to quick job security. God bless you as you pursue the opportunities in your life.


J. C.




Flag of Kathy Hamilton

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Re: Opportunities are seldom labeled.
8/24/2006 12:51:36 PM
Hello JC Thank you and Wow,your amazing and very special,kathy
I walk by faith not by sight Profit Clicking

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