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Flag of Kim Stilwell

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Re: Hidden Value
8/17/2006 10:28:54 PM
Brian,  So true!  Whatever we can have is great I think, but where our treasure is is most signifigant.  I've recently read alot about people who've had near death experiences and have come back to tell of their experiences.  Most all of them say that they now know so greatly that the very most important thing and reason we are here is to Love and to learn to love.  That we can take love with us when we go, and the other thing that is good and that we can also take with us is knowledge. 
     To really realize this in the touching way I have from reading the stories of these people, has changed me permanently I think.  Although years ago when the subject was up of what would you ask God for, and I told God I wanted Love, and have felt in all my journey alot of his love toward me and other people, now I am stricken even more after hearing the words of people who say they were asked...have you learned to Love?  They were also ALL given a life review, in which they were taken right into the very feelings of what people felt as a result of their words and actions and even thoughts.  They were made to FEEL just how other people felt by what they said or did.  Wow!  Now I have a greater habit of thinking more before most everything I say or do!  especially if I'm on the virge of saying or doing something that might hurt someone!   
Flag of Kathy Hamilton

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Re: Hidden Value
8/18/2006 12:33:36 AM
Hello Nick, Your an amazing man, thank you,kathy/
I walk by faith not by sight Profit Clicking
Flag of Kathy Hamilton

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Re: Hidden Value
8/18/2006 12:34:28 AM
Hello Kim, Thank you for your many blessings for us all,your special,kathy/
I walk by faith not by sight Profit Clicking
Re: Hidden Value
8/21/2006 12:48:56 AM

Hi Kathy:

Thanks for invite to this "new" forum.

I like this message. I believe, that God rewards those that don't make a big splash in this world, and work behind the scenes but the work they do is far more pleasing to God than the motivational speaker who draws thousands but is all about making money and at times this becomes their God.

I am a behind the scenes worker most of the time but I know the impact of my writing and my speaking is touching probably hundreds or more but it is not about the money.  Most of the what I do is given freely from my heart & soul!



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Re: Hidden Value
8/21/2006 1:14:17 AM
Hello elaine, Like the saying goes I may only be one person in this world, but to that one person I am the world. Thank you and praise god,Kathy/
I walk by faith not by sight Profit Clicking

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