Robert, I have read your story, and to me it's one that no one can judge. I don't personally feel that what the doctor's offer in the medical area is vain; alot of diabetics are surviving on insulin all around me, and have for years. I do know there are natural ways, and they are just that...natural, and maybe better in many ways, but one issue that is a large one is money and insurance...I imagine it doesn't pay for natural remeidies. Faith has always stood to me on this principle....that we are willing to receive what God might tell or show us whether it does or doesn't coincide with what we believe or feel. Maybe you are in the right place for you; I'm sure if you say you love God and trust him that he is with you, and your compassion for other people does minister to them. Your faith also holds just as much power as the herbs. In honesty, not being critical, I never have understood why people might have something against medicine. I do believe greatly in natural remedies, and do see a wonder and goodness in them, but still to me...medicine has come through knowledge that is good not evil. God says "my people perish for lack of knowledge," and without insulin many would die, and these many may not know about natural remedies or have any knowledge or any money to get them as insurance pays for insulin but not herbs. Are you sure that God wouldn't approve of you using insulin? I think your heart is sincere, you seem to truly care to give to others with no return. I heard you say you are rewarded by whatever responses you get from people...I believe you. Feel free to find my page and write if you need someone to talk to....I am someone like you who cares to be there for no reason but just God's love. You may enjoy or need someone to talk to. Kim