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Re: One of the most important decisions that you make in life
8/16/2006 10:13:47 AM
Hi Kathy, It is so true that we spend about 60% of our lives living in or around negativity.It is time to drop negativity,pick ourselves up,point ourselves towards possitivity,and think of a bright uplifting future. Dump the negatives,pick up the positives,the more positive you are,the more the people you work with,your family,friends etc. will become positive too. Thanks, Gary. Get It 'ADVERTISED', Get Yourself 'NOTICED', Get That Opportunity And Yourself 'REMEMBERED 4 EVER'.
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Re: One of the most important decisions that you make in life
8/16/2006 10:55:16 AM

HI Kathy,

    Very good article. You hang in there, Kathy.

Thank you.

Your Good Friend


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Flag of Dawn Cooke

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Re: One of the most important decisions that you make in life
8/16/2006 12:25:56 PM


  This is something very true. I hope my children can also understand this ,and not have to learn the "hard way"

Thankyou for you forum.


Smiles, Dawn Cooke

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Re: One of the most important decisions that you make in life
8/16/2006 1:23:34 PM
I must be soaring with eagles because you are a very close friend of mine.
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Re: One of the most important decisions that you make in life
8/16/2006 2:11:44 PM


I wish I had found this forum first before the "problem" one. I just wasted part of my life reading all those posts! Maybe it was a neccessary evil. I did refuse to post in that forum! I have more positive things to do!

Now let's all get back to what really matters!

Your friend,



Regards and good fortune, Sam Sam Spoo

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