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Flag of Kathy Hamilton

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One of the most important decisions that you make in life
8/15/2006 9:50:52 PM
Hello my friends, I guess this is very important for me to share with everyone.Kathy/ I am typing this so it is not copied and pasted. One of the most important decisions that you make in life is your choice of the people with whom you associate yourself with. Associate with the right people. Spend time around winners, and get away from the negitive people. Get away from people who complain and condemn and criticize all the time. These Toxic people depress you and take all the joy out of living. After you have spent time with them, you feel discouraged and demotivated. Instead, choose your friends and associates with care. Be perfectly selfish about the people with whom you choose to work with and solialize. Your selected group of friends will have more of an impact on your success and happiness than any other choices you make in life. If you fly with Eagles, you willthink and feel like an eagle. If you associate with Turkeys you will think, walk, talk, and act like a turkey. The people around you have an influence on your personality, your opinions, your goals and everything you acomplish. So think carefully when choosing people in your life or in your business.I choose to fly like a Eagle.. Much love and many blessings,Kathy/
I walk by faith not by sight Profit Clicking
Re: One of the most important decisions that you make in life
8/15/2006 9:57:27 PM
Hi Kathy.  That is SO true.  It is amazing how many people around us each day are negative.  I feel like a motivational speaker each time i'm around those kind of people... actually, i think i become one (to them)  : )
Flag of Rudy Hiebert(rudyhiebert.myamsoil.c

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Re: One of the most important decisions that you make in life
8/15/2006 10:04:21 PM
From the voice of experience, people. There is more than one important decision but this is one the rates very high in my books as well.
I had a unique experience with eagles this week-end.
In the a local First Nations tradition,  when an eagle soars in circles above your significant event funeral or wedding,  (this week-end it was a wedding),  the Great Spirit is sending a symbol of blessing. That is exactly what happened after my niece and her husband were introduced as husband & wife" after their garden cerimony.
This spoke volumes to my soul and I knew then and there that  an editorial would find its way on to a page somewhere.
Flag of Kathy Hamilton

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Re: One of the most important decisions that you make in life
8/15/2006 10:06:29 PM
Hello Rudy, I count on you for these things,Whoohooo for you.Kathy/
I walk by faith not by sight Profit Clicking
Flag of Ted Kusie

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Re: One of the most important decisions that you make in life
8/15/2006 10:08:22 PM
Great words of wisdom Kathy.  I just wish it was that easy to find Eagles to work and live with.
God Bless Your Success! Ted Kusie Your Adland Friend Winnipeg, Canada Here is Your Money!

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