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Walking - The Best Exercise for Good Health and Weight Loss
8/14/2006 6:45:56 AM

Hi Everyone,
Walking - The Best Exercise for Good Health and Weight Loss
By Debra Gropp

Today, very few people are getting enough exercise. Sitting all day in front of a computer or any other job that confines people to an office does not give the body enough of a workout. The only answer is to take up some form of physical activity. Walking is considered to be one of the best forms of exercise because it contributes so many excellent benefits to the human body without risking injury or stressing it.

Improve Cardiovascular Fitness

As an aerobic exercise, walking gets the heart beating faster to transport oxygen-rich blood from the lungs to the muscles. The heart and lungs grow more efficient with a regular walking regimen, reducing blood pressure and the resting heart rate. A regular walking regimen facilitates recovery from many ailments, including heart attack.

Improve Blood Circulation

For people with poor circulation to the arms and legs, walking can increase the size and improve the efficiency of the tiny vessels that supply blood for cellular respiration. Anyone diagnosed with poor circulation should see a doctor before beginning exercise walking.

Improve Emotional Well-Being

Psychologically, walking generates an overall feeling of well-being and can relieve depression, anxiety and stress by producing endorphins, the body's natural tranquillizer. A brisk walk will relax you and stimulate your thinking.

Lose Weight

The fundamental health benefits of walking are many. It helps control weight, blood sugar and cholesterol levels and enhances your body’s ability to burn fat by increasing your metabolism. Walking is the perfect complement to a sensible, healthy diet to lose weight and keep it off.

If you are more than 40 years old and have any problems with weight, respiration, blood pressure, heart problems, pulse rate, or cholesterol, check with your doctor before beginning a walking regimen. The same goes for diabetics, smokers, or people with a family history of heart problems.

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This Article was brought to you by TC4Women Health Center
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Re: Walking - The Best Exercise for Good Health and Weight Loss
8/14/2006 7:41:40 AM
Hi Luella and john,

You have hit the nail on the proverbial head here.

Walking.    It is free.  It can be done in the company of friends.    You dont have to be super fit to do it.  You can walk fast or slow.  You dont have to look for a parking space to do it.  It doesn't take any longer than driving on short trips as you save the time you would spend looking for that parking space.

It is wonderful for depressive conditions.  I have a girl friend with a bi-polar disorder.  She takes a gentle walk for an hour nearly every day - and yes she works full time and has a family, and an active social life - so no excuses here.  She has been walking for 3 or four years and it is over two years since she has sufferred from a bad recurence of her illness.  Previously it happened at least once a year and badly.  She reckons it is a great addition to her medication and it helps her live a normal life, which she couldn't do before.

I walk when I can, to help my mental wellbeing (i feel good afterwards) and my circulation - varicous veins and celulitis  (I know you all thought I had perfect legs!).

If you want to loose weight, you might have to go a little faster, but then you finish earlier.

They say that swimming is the best excerise, but we dont all have the sea or a pool near us - but we all have a road.

Great article and even better advice.  You'll be surpised at the difference it makes.


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It Takes Both Exercise and Cleansing To achieve Good Health
8/14/2006 9:59:13 AM

The Truth about cleansing:Chemicals and Toxins Are the primary cause of illness,disease, and Obesity. Chemicals and toxins accumulate in fat tissue. The more chemicals and toxins-the more fat the body manufactures.Without proper cleansing the lost lean muscle and water return as fat,thus people are actually fatter versions of their prior selves. I can help those who would like to lose unwanted pounds and inches fast and safely and healthy with an all natural product. Do you want to be healthy, clean, and lean? Then modify your lifestyle to incorporate On going Cleansing, sensible eating and mild exercise. You will be on your way to alife time of healthand wellness.One of the ways the liver deals with impurities is to increase body fat to enfold these impurities and to protect the body from their influence. Regular cleansing is essential to liberate you from the impurities and waste that bog your body down and keep you from staying healthy and fit. Elimination of waste helps you melt away excess pounds. Cleansing restores your body’s ability to absorb nutrients and allows your natural metabolism to work efficiently to burn fat and give you energy. That’s why most diets are not successful for long term weight loss because they don’t address the need to cleanse the body of impurities, toxin, and chemicals.


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Re: Walking - The Best Exercise for Good Health and Weight Loss
8/14/2006 7:18:54 PM

Hi Luella and John,

      Great article!!! We sometimes overlook the simplest things in life. Walking being one of them.

      Thank you.

Your Good Friend


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Re: Walking - The Best Exercise for Good Health and Weight Loss
8/17/2006 1:28:35 AM

Hello mi querida Jenny!

I miss talking to you!  Walking is an excellent form of exercise and it's something I enjoy doing.  It's not so much like "work."  I love to get out in the country and walk a mile before my day starts.  It gives me peace of mind.

Love to you,

Luella May and John Elliott, aka Oaky Wood


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