HI Rose,
You are right. Pay per click companies strictly forbid this type of activity. Once google get's wind of it, and they Will, it'll be all over. It won't take very long, as google has a way to "track back" clicks. When they see these sites getting a lot of clicks they'll be sure to investigate. Then everyone who has their site listed in this traffic exchange will atleast have their accounts frozen. If not be totally banned from using adsense ever again!
Once google starts rolling with it. Other companies will follow suit. Then, all the innocent people using pay per click to profit will lose that revenue. It's sad but true. And I don't really blame the companies. As advertisers have to pay for the clicks which aren't getting them any traffic at all.
I always warn people if I see them ask publicly for someone to click on their ads. I have known people to get banned by doing so. And it's a hard knock especially if you have worked years to build pages soley for the adsense revenue.
Good luck, and thanks for bringing this up, Your friend, Angela