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Re: Social networking and the weird guy talking to himself...
7/26/2006 9:00:14 PM


Do you not know by now that I shall always "have your back"?

Can you just envision my very best 'hip hop" arm crossed stance????? 

Ahem --- Social networking and the weird guy talking to himself...
7/26/2006 10:14:05 PM


Just popping in to put this thread back on track. The point wasn't - and isn't - to bash Adland or members of Adland. Yes, we all get spammy emails and private messages. Outside of Adland, we get Viagra ads, mortgage ads, etc. My point was the bigger picture.

Give people free blogs or communities and a good chunk will put their personal diary online. Some will add affiliate links, some won't. Another chunk will put up get rich quick schemes. Another chunk will put up online flea markets. Another chunk will put up sales letters. And a precious few gifted people will start conversations that draw others who share their interest and value good conversation.

There are two women at this forum that repeatedly say very pertinent words;

-- Kim repeatedly says that how people act varies because we are not all at the same level of spiritual development. And I don't mean spiritual as in religious, but in regard to personal growth.

-- Cheri repeatedly says something to the effect that if we don't change what we're doing, we'll be in the same place a year from now or 5 years from now.

If you take those two thoughts and stir them together, it's actually very profound. If we don't see that what we're doing is not getting the desired result, we don't change. If we don't change, we stay in the same place. When we stay in the same place, there is no personal growth happening.

It's here, but it's not JUST here. It's everywhere. And, really, the best way to teach people to change what they are doing is not by criticism, but to lead by example.

I have learnt silence from the talkative, toleration from the intolerant, and kindness from the unkind; yet strange, I am ungrateful to these teachers.
Kahlil Gibran (1883 - 1931)


Winston Scoville

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Re: Social networking and the weird guy talking to himself...
7/26/2006 10:19:25 PM
The back of what Heather???? His knee cap!!! LOL I'm sorry! I just couldn't help myself! HAHAHAHAHA! All I can picture is Flick from the movie Hook! LOL
Winston Scoville

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Re: Ahem --- Social networking and the weird guy talking to himself...
7/26/2006 10:29:29 PM

"It's here, but it's not JUST here. It's everywhere. And, really, the best way to teach people to change what they are doing is not by criticism, but to lead by example."
Very true Linda. This has become even more prevalent to me personally this past few months as I have been getting involved at various other forums. People will go through some pretty strange extremes..... Another factor that seems to spur people on to further extremes is critisism. What's nice about this forum in particular is that most people are not subjected to what I call the garbage spam type posts for any length of time. They are generally deleted not soon after they are posted and most people carry on with the subject at hand.
Bogdan Fiedur

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Re: Social networking and the weird guy talking to himself...
7/26/2006 11:08:39 PM

Hi Gary,

Thank you for your response and your in depth elaboration. I'm not disagreeing with the points you have brought but I was rather put off by the tone and sarcasm of your post.

We have on each page at the bottom a link which says  Contact Us.
This is very frequently used by our members to bring their concerns suggestion and observations. We value them and use them to analyze and evaluate what we need to do and what directions to take with our development.

Posting a complaints and making sarcastic remarks on the forums can be used in a constructive way if one of our staff or myself happen to see that post.  I checked it because I'm subscribed to Linda's forum.  Otherwise it wouldn't be probably noticed by us and only seen be other visitors as a way things are here.

Now to your problem with the pop windows. In my previous forum I have pointed you to the discussions which was started when pop up windows were introduced.
It started from complaining and ended with acceptance of this feature.
The discussion is 72 pages long, has 358 replies and 6,179 views. I have read every post on this forum and can tell you that majority of people like those pop-up windows. I invite you to read this forum or at least check it out.

In addition the pop-up window at the left upper corner, had virtually from the beginning link which was saying [Options] allowing you on turning off the pop up window permanently.  I have changed title from the [Options] to [Disable] today to remove any possible confusion. Use this to disable both pop up windows; the forum notification and the picture of the logged in member at the bottom.

In regards to people marketing, sending emails and being intrusive.

People do wrong things at every corner of our lives. This happens in corporate world: Enron, Worldcom, Martha Stuart. It happens in sport: doping, influencing game results, bad judging, in entertainment and politics. 

You are correct with your judgments in regards to ponzi schemes. You have to understand though that what you know, others don't know necessarily and they don't read your forums. Also they might be new to the internet and marketing. Those who understand the schema, take advantage of it and try to get as much done in short time as possible to accumulate enough funds before the company is shut down. Others just follow. Believe or not, the same happens in every aspect of our lives. 95% of people follow others.

I'm well aware of it, yet we are providing here tools to do business and it is up to the user to decide how they utilize them.

You can use email or our communication tools to send info about illegal programs or to build your business. If you had the chance to read my book, you would see what is my recipe to be successful with your internet business.

I'm glad to have Linda, yourself and others who are participating in this forum and are bringing real issues to the surface. As you know Linda has position of Advisor here. At some point we had more than 10 advisors and today only two. There is a reason for this and I'm sure you know what is it.

Thank you for listening.

