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Kim Stilwell

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Re: Social networking and the weird guy talking to himself...
7/26/2006 11:56:24 AM

Gary...ha ha!  (small enough?)        your sarcasm has me literally laughing out loud!  ha ha.  Really...I love sarcastic people!  especially funny ones.  Your lesson is to learn to "slow down" in patient!  ha ha!  and Adland is in your life to help you!  You might have missed your tea if things were running at the speed you wish.  Do you have dial up? 

Another paragraph!  ha ha. Seriously though, I am also a get to the point person (believe it or not), and try to get annoyed with some things, like things popping up in front of what I'm doing, and mostly with 'opportunities' being thrown in my face from people whose only interest in you is you joining their program.  I'm more interested, when invited to be friends, to hear from the person and not just get nothing but their program pushed...we all have programs swarming around us, and I too think people join people, not the next "great" program. 

But....that's life.  There are different kinds of people, different personalities, and they take different approaches according to....openness, knowledge, etc...  Like maybe some people might end up being your friend but at first don't know what to say to you, so they do 'the thing'...offer their program.  True, many may be only interested in 'their programs,' need to dislike them, they're just excited and think everyone else oughta be too. 

We all learned at some point, or might be continuing to learn, that professional marketing involves more than just putting my programs in your face.  People are at different levels of interior growth and knowledge, and have different personalities and ways of communicating, and I imagine we all have our own ways, our own ideas, our own displeasures and feelings of how we'd like things to be, but if we are going to be involved with people, or a site where alot of people are, that's what you all their different ways and ideas and personalities, etc...some people do enjoy all the little details!

If you have dial up I can see why your frustrated!  Don't be so fed up...and don't leave...I'll miss your sarcasm!  Patience!'ll make you live longer.      Kim


Bogdan Fiedur

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Re: Social networking and the weird guy talking to himself...
7/26/2006 12:12:32 PM
Hello Gary,

I was just checking this discussion about social networking and found another of your  "How bad this site is" notes.

Most of the time I don't engage in any discussions as I want to see all the sides and their points.

Yesterday one of your other posts on Linda's forum caused me to inquire about the site speed and here, you can see the results.

Over 60% people responded that site is either average or fast. 30% people see the site in the slow range and 11% depending on the day.

So as you see the site appears fast or acceptable for about 70% .

We never stop working on improving the site and the 30% of people are a concern to us. We will be definitely working further on improving the site quality and speed.

In regards to the new features, I would like to invite you to visit the forum
which was started here by Mary Hofstetter particularly thread called Cool or confusion

By the way there are other sane people on this site who don't either know about this forum or don't post to it. Remember that Adlandpro community started as a business networking site and majority of people visit it to grow their business.

I understand that some of the newcomers to internet marketing do it improperly and this might be annoying. You are provided though with all the tools here which allow you to disable messages from annoying persons and even rate this person so others can see who they are dealing with before they accept this person as a friend. You just need review options in each email and follow the links to block a person.

You can even disable all messages and disable the forum notification pop up windows by accessing the options button.

I hope I have addressed some of your concerns here and hopefully changed your very negative outlook on this site.

Bogdan Fiedur
Valerie Clavin

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Re: Social networking and the weird guy talking to himself...
7/26/2006 12:26:43 PM
Linda, I also agree with you. Too many people believe if they beg, bug, nag and chase you long enough that you'll join their business. Not me, not even if it's the best opportunity ever! You success is directionally proportional to your personal growth. There's a few in adland that think it's all about how long and hard you chase. Enough said. Have a truely successful day! Many Blessings Valerie
Re: Social networking and the weird guy talking to himself...
7/26/2006 12:26:57 PM

I've found that since the "update" of Adland, I receive a much larger amount of the "get quick rich" schemes.

I just adore the "invitation to be friends".   Spam undercover.

As for the pop-ups....couldn't agree more with Gary.  It's like Adland want's us to have ADD. 

That "Who is Next" one irks me the most.....keeps messing with my periphial (did I spell that correctly?  you'd think with all the updates that spell check would have been included.) vision.  Hmmmm maybe I should get the blinders they use on racing horses.

Gary Simpson

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Re: Social networking and the weird guy talking to himself...
7/26/2006 8:29:08 PM

Hello Bogdan,

This is the first time we have interacted. I'm sorry that it is on controversial grounds.

Yes, I did have some negative comments to make. But... that has allowed you to act upon them. Negative feedback, when acted upon appropriately, can have a positive effect.  Now, finally, I have been able to turn off those very distracting and blanketing pop-ups. Yesterday that wasn't possible.

The percentages that you quote above are interesting. I had a little look at that forum yesterday. Do you think that some of the people merely made positive overtones to you because you are the owner of the site and many people hold you in awe? I gained that impression. Again, I am sorry if it was incorrect.

You said:


"Most of the time I don't engage in any discussions as I want to see all the sides and their points."

Indeed you do not. A classic example was when a virtual war broke out in another forum where certain people (two, in fact) were viciously slanging others. I could not believe the name-calling, hatred and utter vengeance that was displayed.  One of the people doing that was your very own "Goodwill Ambassador" Mr John Sanchez. That rather perturbed and disappointed me. In fact, I can honestly say that what happened there disgusted me. However, I visited it several times just to see how things would pan out.

You will note that I only comment on very few forums. I particularly enjoy the forums of Linda Caroll, Dave Cottrell and Cheri Merz. They are all very rational people who have intelligent things to say. In other words, they inspire people to think. In that regard...

Of the 516 or so posts that I have made, virtually all of them, apart from the last few that you are commenting on, have been to help and inspire people. Some were written in a colorful manner but that was only to engage others into the debate - and it worked. Often there were dozens and dozens of comments in the threads - initiated by Linda and pushed along by me and some of the others. 

I would venture to say that the posts that I have made here represent hundreds of hours of thought and a dedicated willingness to help others. Contrast that with the me, me, me, gimme your money attitude of so many of the "marketers" who abound here. I focus on a very narrow band of Adland but I am still subjected to all the deleterious marketing hype.

Regarding sanity. I guess I have to question my own for doing this. Indeed, many of the "offers" and "schemes" that people promote here are non-sensical and some are outright illegal. We proved this in another one of Linda's threads. I think it was 24dailypro or whatever. The US federal authorities have banned it and are investigating all those who participated with a view to prosecution. We DID try to tell people that it would happen. But, even now, after the fact, they are still pushing these Ponzis in a desperate attempt to convince others to join.

In summary... the never-ending quest to make quick and easy money seems to be the key element for so many people. They just don't seem to recognise that it takes time and effort to build anything worthwhile - they just want to pillage and plunder all their so-called "friends" just to make a few lousy bucks. It's awful.

I have also had to defend myself and my motives against a person who told lies about me in an effort to cause deliberate trouble. I proved those lies for what they were worth. That was most unsavoury but, hey, that's life. Adland is a microcosm of all that is good and all that is evil in everyday life.

I guess I have been evaluating my time spent here Bogdan. I think that you have done a great job here. However, I question the manner with which the site is being used by many of the people who come here. When the recent changes began to affect my enjoyment of interaction I just got frustrated to the point of lashing out with my comments.

Like I said before, you can use those comments to advantage. Or you can just be critical of me for making them. In any event, this is your site. You are the final arbiter. I recognise and respect that.

Kim, thanks for your perspicacious response to my remarks. You were spot on.

Ranunculus, thanks for agreeing with me. I think a lot of others probably do but don't have the courage of their conviction. You may be small but you stand tall.

Linda, thanks for being the facilitator of some very interesting debate. I have enjoyed your efforts, your intelligence and your absolute willingness to educate and assist all those who make the effort to come to your forum.


Gary Simpson





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