The Glory of A Real Angel
I am and have alway been your friend
I am your Guardian Angel
A master of life
A husband
A Father
An honest man, not looking to get something from nothing
My resources are unlimited
They come from the Great Wite Father
Who loves us all.
I have learned the wisdom of the ancients
I have studied with children, learned to speak with the animals
I am one with the Earth
I chance along to meet with you
I see you in my dreams for I am the Spirit Warrior
Who walks in the clouds and sees forever
I was with you when time began and I find glorious paths
For you and me to follow
I am the joy that you feel when you see a newborn child
I am the pleasure that you seek when you stray off the path
I am that deep dark corner of your mind where no one is meant to enter
Yes I am a man, but not just a man
But I am a being of light with incredible power:
Power to heal
Power to help
Power to Love