Hi Jerome, I'm sure that the report was accurate for someone who may have tried it without really trying (wanting something for nothing), or tried to make a go of it without knowing their team and reaching out for team support. However, this report you hold to be valid, implies that the reporter didn't even take the free tour, yet he is condemning the program?
The fact is, this is already working, and I mean REALLY working for many people.
It is NOT a generic lead collector, it's specific marketing for one company only.
And, it's just like any other reputable autoresponders, you can unsubscribe from every email.
The details of this program could not be put on one page, it's just too much info for most people.
I don't believe it to be ethical to condemn a program if you haven't even taken the time to sign up and see what's going on. There are plenty of throw away email addresses you could use, and then delete them when you're done. If that's the only excuse for not exploring an opportunity further, it doesn't float.
I could give you my statistics, my sponsor's statistics, and his sponsor's statistics, but I have a feeling you would be tempted to say I'm not being honest, and quite frankly, I won't subject myself to that.
If you decide to REALLY research this company, you'll be singing a different song!
Who is exactly is Charles D. Ashmore III to you? Do you know him personally? Why do you choose to believe him over Kathy and many other friends here at AdlandPro who are having success with this? Just curious.
Best of luck to you,