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Google Adsense
7/21/2006 2:00:58 PM
Hello my friends, I recieved this letter today and It may help some people who do not know about this,This is from our Adlandpro friend,Please check it out and respond to him.Thanks,Kathy Martin/simikathy Hi Kathy, Have you read The Greatest Money Making Secret in History by Joe Vitale. Basically it says Give and you shall Receive. So now I'm going to do that, go to to get free ebooks on google adsense. I'm giving all the books that I have bought and downloaded. Hopefully I shall receive. Thank you. Husni Husain. P.S. You should try giving too, who knows you shall receive. Just tell all your friends about this blog. Who knows by giving this info, you will receive.
I walk by faith not by sight Profit Clicking
Flag of Robert Talmadge

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Re: Google Adsense
7/21/2006 3:33:37 PM
I have heard some good news and some bad news about Google Adsense. The bad news is that every ebook you read is not necessarily the best way to make an Adsense site. The good news is that there are one or two that are. There are a lot of people, perhaps several million doing this so it goes without saying that it is possible to make money and a lot of it with Google and share in it's billions. I don't get into this very much because I have my hands full already doing what I do. It's one of those rare cases that I say I don't know a lot about it. You may want to quote me on this as I don't admit it very often. Ha Ha. another one for the history books folks.
Robert Talmadge To follow your dream, follow your heart.
Flag of Sandra Cobb

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Re: Google Adsense
7/21/2006 6:08:29 PM

Thanks for the info and the free ebooks.  If everyone will analyse what Husni is doing here, you will see how to make the big bucks with Adsense. 

My nephew brings in a couple of hundred dollars a month, and he just started with adsense a couple of months ago. 

There are many ways to do better with adsense, and all of the books I've read have offered some helpful tidbits, so there is certainly no harm in reading them all, even though they may take a different approach.

Having said that, let me clue you in on the real secret to making the money - it's in having the traffic.  Plain and simple.  Have enough people visit your site, then some of them will see an ad that they click on, and voila - you get paid!

My nephew has a Superman website, and the hits have really taken off this summer, because of the new movie.  He's been working on the website for years, but he just added the Google Adsense code in March.  The visitors view the site, the Adsense ads are about other things Superman, and so they click on those too.

If you go to Husni's site, you will see that he encourages you to visit his page daily as he will be adding more free ebooks for you to download.  He's trying to increase his traffic so his odds of having visitors that actually click on ads, increases enough to start earning him some real cash.

Brilliant move!

Meanwhile, we have not been had, because we receive the free ebooks!

Give, receive, give, receive.

Give ebooks, receive repeat visitors, give more ebooks, receive more repeat visitors.  Then, hopefully, a small percentage of the visitors will "CLICK" and he will make money. 

Hey, why don't we just go click on ad while we're downloading the ebooks?  That way we give something to Husni in return for his generosity and time compiling the ebooks for us.

Meanwhile, if you really want to make the big bucks with Adsense, create websites that attract visitors - give 'em what they want.  Are you maybe hiding a Superman fanatic underneath that suave exterior? LOL.

Warm regards,

Sandra Cobb


Live in Harmony.
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Re: Google Adsense
7/21/2006 7:53:11 PM
Hello Kathy,

I got the same message from Husni. I visited also his blog.
Well ii is on time to think about money.

Husni is right. I will activate my oppotunities and make use of Google Adsense.

From now I will not be avaliable and it will not easy to find me.
I decided to do something better of my free time than just send posts here and there.

Warm Regards

ETERNAL WISDOM-Know ThySelf, PHILOXENIA MetaCafe, Adlanders In Facebook
Flag of Leon Horton

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Re: Google Adsense
7/22/2006 12:29:17 AM
Hi Kathy and everyone,

Adsense is making people rich over time.  It is not a get rich quick scheme, but you can have a great online income in just a few months with a little work.

Here is a really great piece of software for creating unlimited adsense webpages.

It is a little more money than some can afford to spend, but I am willing to offer anyone who purchases the software through my link a $40 cash back.  That will make it much easier for everyone to get started making a good income. 

Check out the  TurboContentSiteBuilder for your chance for some good adsense income.

You could even incorporate Husni's concepts if you choose to which is a valueable way to get traffic.

Sorry about the shameless plug here, but I felt that I needed to let people in on a fantastic way to get in on the Google money machine.



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