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Gary Simpson

557 Posts
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Re: Shimmy, shimmy, wait, wait. Does this happen to you, too?
7/27/2006 8:58:10 PM

Hi Cheri,

Oh dear. Driving. Hmm. Yep. You got me. I have to say...

... I know I am sounding like Captain Intolerance again ... but...


Me too! Speeders, TAILGATERS, risk takers (people who pass on a blind bend), those who refuse to indicate, wheel spinners, fools who slide sideways in the wet weather, twits who tear through busy carparks where old folk and kids abound - rah, rah, rah...

I just don't see any sense in it. What is the rush? So many young people have been killed or injured over here, or have killed or injured others, because they go crazy or make extremely poor decisions. Some are a nightmare, others are just an accident waiting to happen.

I wish somebody could shake some sense into their ten foot tall, bullet-proof attitudes - mainly young blokes 17 to 27. They are nuts - no consideration - no conceptualisation of danger. In reality, they are ignoramuses in high powered, modified vehicles that they have inadequate skills to pilot.

They show off - or think that they are demonstrating skill. In reality they might as well have a big sign on the roof of their vehicle saying "DICKHEAD DRIVER INSIDE."

If I had to choose between scummy spammers and foolish drivers - ugh - I hate to say this but...

I'd take the spammers. Did I say that?

You got me Cheri. Thanks!

