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Cheri Merz

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Re: Shimmy, shimmy, wait, wait. Does this happen to you, too?
7/22/2006 6:46:44 PM

Checking in again.  False alarm on the DSL.  Saw an email for Bogdan's test thread, but it wasn't available when I clicked on the link.  I see the pictures are gone from the top, and that's a real sacrifice...I really liked them.  But the page does load a bit faster, with no shimmy, just a bit of wait. And now there's a cute little one picture at the bottom, that rushes to catch up as you scroll.  Oh, hey, there I am!

Bogdan, I'm sure I'm not the only one who appreciates your tireless working to make this a great experience for everyone.


Bogdan Fiedur

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Re: Shimmy, shimmy, wait, wait. Does this happen to you, too?
7/22/2006 7:01:28 PM
Hi Cheri,

How do you like the small picture in the right bottom corner?

Although this is not anymore list of 12 pictures, it allows you on scrolling through the list of people by clicking [Next Online] link just above the picture.

Cheri Merz

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Re: Shimmy, shimmy, wait, wait. Does this happen to you, too?
7/22/2006 7:43:58 PM

So far I like it.  Thanks for letting me know what the Next link is for...I just tried it, and that's nice.  I assume the pictures are still taken from the people who are online at the time.  Good solution.


Winston Scoville

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Re: Shimmy, shimmy, wait, wait. Does this happen to you, too?
7/22/2006 10:18:37 PM

"Bogdan, I'm sure I'm not the only one who appreciates your tireless working to make this a great experience for everyone."
I couldn't agree more with you Cheri. And not only is the hard work definitely appreciated but even more so, the fact that Bogdan and his team are accessible, listen to everyones concerns, and react very quickly. Two thumbs up from me!
Dave Cottrell

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Re: Shimmy, shimmy, wait, wait. Does this happen to you, too?
7/24/2006 12:38:34 PM
Hi Linda, It seems to depend on the time of day and what's on the page. Some members are using the wysiwyg editor (I turned the darned thing off - hate it! LOL) and they're posting monster images that really slow everything down. What people don't realize (and perhaps the programmers overlooked) is that when you don't put low enough restrictions on images that can be loaded, you're going to slow the whole system down, even if the page that's being visited by a member has NO images on it. Even if the images are linked from another server it won't help - in fact that can slow things down even further, as every time the image loads, it has to be uploaded either from the main temporary internet files or worse, uploaded from some desperately slow server on the other side of the planet! IMO, it's a terrible waste of bandwidth and a definite negative for Adlandpro. God bless, Dave I think some image restrictions are immediately necessary to speed things up.

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