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Dave Cottrell

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How to Succeed with Traffic Exchanges
7/18/2006 6:26:41 PM
Greetings, my friends, As a long term traffic exchange user and now an owner as well, I get asked the question, "How do I succeed with traffic exchanges, and do they even work?" The short answer is, yes, they do work. However, it isn't quite as simple as joining a traffic exchange and clicking or browsing for credits. All you will get when you surf any kind of click exchange is visitors who are doing exactly the same thing as you: surfing for credits in the vain hope that someone will visit their site and make a purchase. The kind of traffic you really want is the kind that is specifically looking for what you have to offer on your site. The best way to get this kind of traffic is through the search engines. However, simply posting your link to the search engines will get you listed on page 1,768,453 or lower, if, in fact, you get listed at all. The very first step in getting traffic exchanges to work for you is to get your own domain name and hosting. This has become very inexpensive today, leaving no reason at all for most people who are serious about doing business online to take this step. If you can't afford to do it, you really can't afford to be in business online, as this is the cheapest thing you can do in business. (Note that if you have a free, replicated site, you are not really in business; you are just cheap advertising for the parent company, raising their ratings in the search engines!) Next, create a website for your new domain. This will be your storefront for your business. It needs to be clean, speak directly to your visitors about what it will do for them, and simple to get from the opening statements to your sales page. Visit for hints on what makes a website work, and also be sure to visit Linda Caroll's forums. Do not make the mistake of taking your nice new site and beginning to advertise it on the traffic exchanges. Instead, add your URL to your signature file in your email program, on communities forums like Adlandpro, and on bulletin boards. The more you post on forums or send email to your friends, the more often your URL will be advertised, beginning to raise your profile. The search engines will, in most cases, catch this fact without you even posting your URL to the search engines! (do a Google search for Dave Cottrell, and you will find me listed near the top - I have never posted my name to the engines, but they found me, due, as you will see, almost 100% to my posts on community forums [also note their are more than one of us - can you guess which one is me? LOL!]). Now, let's get back to traffic exchanges. To succeed with traffic exchanges, you need a tremendous amount of traffic. You simply can't get the amount you need by sitting in front of your computer clicking all day, nor can you get it by running autosurfs 24/7. Think about the number one thing that other people using traffic exchanges want. That's right! They want traffic and they want lots of it. Most people, no matter how you try to help them, will simply join one program after another and surf, surf, surf, never really getting anywhere. You, on the other hand, as a serious entrepeneur, can take advantage of all that by giving people what they want. Start out by joining Traffic Hoopla and TEBrowser. These two organizations are a key starting point for maximizing your traffic flow in the minimum amount of time, in highly organized and easily followed system. Be sure to follow instructions, and join all the traffic exchanges listed in each site. Once again, do not start advertising your own domain on these traffic exchanges. Advertise Traffic Hoopla and ProTrafficShop on all the exchanges, and build your downlines in these organizations. People who use traffic exchanges want traffic, and with these two system, you have the power to give them what they want. Believe me when I say, I get TONS of signups for traffic exchanges and other advertising venues using traffic exchanges! Continue to advertise your domain in your sig files as you send email and post interesting information about whatever interests you on forum and community bulletin boards around the internet. This next step is VERY important. Download the Firefox browser. Firefox is free, a great open source program, and allows you to open multiple tabs with one click. I will explain why this is important in a minute. Next, open your Favorites folder (at the top of your browser window) go to Organize Favorites. Create a new file with a title such as Traffic. Click on your new folder and create several new subfolders with title such as Surf1, Surf2, Surf3, etc, and organize all your manual traffic exchange links into these folders, with no more than 15 or 20 in each one. Once you are organized, open your Firefox browser, go to your Favorites folder, go to one of the subfolders you just created, and chose Open All in Tabs. This will open every site in the subfolder (which is why you want no more than 15 or 20 in each folder.) Now you can sign in to each one and begin surfing. Firefox gives you the option to store your username and password for each site, so once you sign in the first time to each site, it will even be faster the next time. Surf using Firefox for at least an hour each day, alternating your folders each time, and you will begin to see the downlines building in the various exchanges. It's not instant, or even overnight, but your downline WILL build over time, and your traffic flow will begin to grow by itself. Once you have a really good traffic flow coming in via the traffic exchanges, you can begin to list your own domain in the traffic exchanges. This will eventually free up your time almost completely from surfing, giving you the opportunity to create fresh content for your website. Your site will begin to receive a steady and growing flow of traffic which will raise your ratings on the search engines, and the unique content that you are creating for your site will also help your ratings AND help you to be found through a wider variety of search terms. It takes time to use the traffic exchanges properly, but, just like any business online or off, you will never be successful unless you do the groundwork properly, diligently and patiently. God bless, Dave
Louis Pominville

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Re: How to Succeed with Traffic Exchanges
7/18/2006 9:37:49 PM

Hi Dave,


That was really refreshing to read some good information about traffic exchanges and you are right on the money. Thank you for sharing that info with all of us.

This basically re-enforces what Yorgo has been teaching us and that one of the most important things is to get downlines built up in these programs to help you get out of clicking your fingers raw.


You will always have to do a minimal amount when you join for example. Another item that Yorgo reminds us is that you are too busy making money offline, you can always achieve the same results by purchasing some traffic and/or some allow purchasing downlines (although you have to be very careful with that one).


Either you have the time or the money (or a combination), LOL.

Another browser which is popular for clickers is Maxthon.

By the way, the Founder's club has been extended within the Yorgoo organization, check it out:

All the best Dave and God bless,


Louis (Your friendly Yorgooer!)

Re: How to Succeed with Traffic Exchanges
7/19/2006 8:14:28 AM
Great information Dave,

I agree with Louis, right on the money.

I would add to get a hosting company that gives good bandwith because the traffic exchanges as you describe will send a bunch of traffic and may overload your bandwidth.

Could you please suggest what bandwidth is good to start with and what to look for in options for upgrade.

The company I use with many of my clients and myself is Blue Host (Click Here to See What They Have). I would be interested in your comparison of them with others.


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Ricardo Alcaraz

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Re: How to Succeed with Traffic Exchanges
7/20/2006 4:25:53 AM

Hello David,

Thank you for that important tip.

It's so simple, yet so powerful. Maybe there are those who sensed this instinctively. But it took someone with insight to spot it and share it.

Thanks for showing us what was always there before our eyes but never noticed!


Ricardo Alcaraz

(See? I learned from your lesson) ;)

Re: How to Succeed with Traffic Exchanges
7/21/2006 3:14:02 PM

Greetings Dave

     You really took me to school reading your post. Excellent informative, instructional,genious type of lesson!


Anthony C.


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