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Re: The New Formatting For The Forums...Good or Bad?
7/16/2006 12:55:48 PM
Hi Marilyn!

This is for Bogdan, our man!


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Re: The New Formatting For The Forums...Good or Bad?
7/16/2006 1:29:13 PM

Hi Marilyn

It's great to have choices but for passing on information I think the size of text in your post is about as big as you should go. Any bigger and it makes the post hard to read. I'm not sure I like all text in pink, yellow etc as this also makes it hard to read If you see what I mean.

Have a great day



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Re: The New Formatting For The Forums...Good or Bad?
7/16/2006 1:33:17 PM

Hello Sam,

I don't know what you were reading because I did mention two items in the posts. I mentioned the new formatting and the new History Button on the Pop Ups.

Please come back and make a comment on either, or both, of those issues, or any others if you wish to!

Thanks Sam,


Marilyn L Martin
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Re: The New Formatting For The Forums...Good or Bad?
7/16/2006 1:36:17 PM

HI Nan,

Thanks for the comment and for the beautiful angel. I have a thing for angels, so this was nice to see!

God Bless,


Marilyn L Martin
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Re: The New Formatting For The Forums...Good or Bad?
7/16/2006 1:42:12 PM

HI AnaMaria,

I am with you! I like the new formatting myself...I think it adds so much to the forums when you can add pictures etc. I know I loved how my Parade of Stars forum came out!

The insert table I haven't even messed with yet myself...I am sure that I will in the very near future.

I love the History Button! So amny times I will be right in the middle of typing something and a topic pops up that I would like to check out, but I end up missing out! Not any more...thanks to the history button! That was definitely a great feature to add!

Thanks Bogdan for all the new great features!

Take care Ana,


Marilyn L Martin
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