Hey Marilyn,
Impatience is my bad suite!!
When I join a program that's confuses me with cyber-tunnels that I can't navigate, I start looking for the exit door. Must have lost a lot of money that way!!
These new features still need more tweaking to work well - it's a work in progress. And people are now taking the time to experiment with the features. New still need that preview button.
I try to make suggestions in the forums while I am conplaining - like the History button (which should be"New or Current Posts" anyway).
I think I might have been the one who started using color in posts and that took off like a rocket. Now we not only have color but pictures - things are looking up
Forums like this will help to make things better. The Pic Slides are Great - I don't need those pop-ups - cant' really get rid of them - every time I sign-in afresh, they come back.
Thanks for Caring and Sharing