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Re: Question???
7/16/2006 1:26:10 AM

Hi Kathy!

This has turned out to be a really great forum!  Awesome idea for a topic!

Over the years, what I have seen in this industry in regards to claims of: "My sponsor lied to me" is not good.  Now yes, I have seen cases where there were people who were honestly lied to.


What I've mostly seen is people who come into a program all hyped up and so-to-speak....and they are just ever so ready to hit the ground running thinking they'll be able to quit their job by the end of the month.  God bless them!  We should all carry that same excitement with us everyday!

However, 2 months down the road........they haven't got anyone in thier downline.  Well, who do they automatically blame?  The sponsor.  The company.  The leads were too old.  Whatever, whoever wherever!  So they quit! 

Point is they blame everyone but themselves....they spread the negative vibe out there - and the industry as a whole gets a tarnished image.

My 2 cents...........

~ Drummerboy Keep on thinking positive…..thank God for everything that’s good in your life……..and make it a great week!


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