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Re :Pics in the posts! How do you do that?
7/12/2006 3:35:20 PM
Hello James,
Yeah, I tried that and it was not working for me. I guess I will try again.
Thanks for posting to help us.


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Re :Pics in the posts! How do you do that?
7/12/2006 3:47:07 PM

Hi Anamaria,

I don't know and I don't care, bah humbug with regards to the changes to Adlandpro, I think the wysiwyg editor is a pain in the butt it has a life of its own it changes the font when I am halfway through doing a post the insert a link is a waste of space as it doesn't work, oh yes and you can't preview your post, I know there's a grey box with it but the fonts a smaller size and its difficult to check any links or code.

And the popup forum messages stop the pages from loading when i want to go to another members page, and Dung wan whats his name really teed me off earlier today with his mug popping up every two minutes. Personally I think its a change we can do without, what happened to the keep it simple stupid theory?

Thats it moan over, if Bogdan can correct what I have mentioned then great it will be an improvement to the site otherwise I will go off and sulk for a week!

Best Wishes


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Re :Pics in the posts! How do you do that?
7/12/2006 3:53:49 PM

Hi Anamaria,

Not sure about this, but, I thought I read that some changes were going to be done for Adlander accounts. Again, i'm not sure. But this may explain some that can and some that can't.


myspace layouts, myspace codes, glitter graphics


???Now, how did that get there???

Kenneth R Sword Jr

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Flag of Ana Maria Padurean

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Re :Pics in the posts! How do you do that?
7/12/2006 3:58:08 PM
Hello Lisa and Max!

After posting this forum I just remembered that I did many experiments but with Firefox. So I went back, changed browser and tryed again! And there it was; only with copy - paste. Of caurse the pics has to be copy-pasted from another website or Blog and not from your PC because there is no upload button on the editor. So the pic has to be uploaded already.
Hope this will be of help for anyone who wants to post pics as I did in my other thread: The Cute And Adorable....

Wish you the best with your tryals ;-)
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Re :Pics in the posts! How do you do that?
7/12/2006 4:05:27 PM
Dear John,
You're right with some of your complains!
I think you was just caught posting or editing your post in the middle of the changing process. At least I was ones and it was very frustrating to loose my "masterpiece" of text after a long effort of composing it (Murphy never sleaps you know and it happened just when I was writing and trying to post a longer reply somewhere) And after pushing the <<POST>> button, bam...wanished! and there it was the new editor! LOL Now, I'm laughting but than... I won't tell you! :-)
I'm sure things are going to be OK soon.
Be patient my dear friend.
Best wishes,
Anamaria :-)


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