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Pics in the posts! How do you do that?
7/12/2006 1:42:08 PM
1. Original post

Hello and greetings my Friends.

Have you seen the pictures posted around Adland in some posts?
Do you like them?
I think it's great to have the possibility to post pics in our fourms!
Don't you?
The question is how to do that?!
I've done several trials and experiences and I've alwasy got the same message:
"you need to post a text message"
Please, will you, the ones who know, teach us to post pics?
Thank you for your help.
With friendship,

2. First discovery

... only with copy - paste. Of caurse the pics has to be copy-pasted from another website or Blog and not from your PC because there is no upload button on the editor. So the pic has to be uploaded already.
Hope this will be of help for anyone who wants to post pics as I did in my other thread: The Cute And Adorable....

3. Second discovery

Oh, another thing......

There is an option at the top if you want "SIMPLE EDITING MODE"
Very easy to do if you don't want to mess with the "EXPERIENCED MODE"
4. Third discovery

I am just trying to upload pics from my PC to see if they work.

They worked! How did she do that?

I uploaded my picture to my blog (not the one on Adland) and then copied and pasted it to this message page.

  5. Fifth discovery

This do not work because you should have a .jpg or .gif file! And you have a  .png!

A FEW YEARS LATER: .png files works as well :-)

6. Sixth discovery

Insert slide shows into your posts! View this thread page 21!

A few ywars later: Well, I;m not sure if this still works!?

7. Seventh discovery

Visit Rose's forum for "Getting your images or photos posted"

8. Eighth discovery


1. find the link of the video on youtube you wish to post; this looks like this: - called URL and may be find on

the right side of the video.

2. click the video post icon on the editors tool bar and insert the the part of the URL typed in red (following the equal sign)

3. click OK

4. don't worry for your post looking like:

( (youtube id="......") ) ( (/youtube) )

this will work after pushing the post button!

9. Ninth Discovery

Not yet found but coming soon! :-)


Re :Pics in the posts! How do you do that?
7/12/2006 2:55:55 PM
Hello  Anamaria,
Don't feel bad, I've been trying to figure this program out for past three or four days. Even with my programing skills I have been stumped! 

God Bless &
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Kenneth & Sherry Wheeler, Sr
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Re :Pics in the posts! How do you do that?
7/12/2006 3:01:25 PM
Thank you Kenneth for coming and trying to help me.
I did another try with Firefox insted of IE and this time it worked.
With friendship,
Flag of Lisa Westberry

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Re :Pics in the posts! How do you do that?
7/12/2006 3:25:45 PM

Hello Ana,

I think we all know what you mean, LOL!! This is all great changes, but boy,

it can be hard to figure out and learn. I can not wait to find out about this.

I know about the DM images but have not yet seen images in the forum/Threads.

Thanks for sending this out. I will help with some traffic so we can get the word out here.




Flag of James Max

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Re :Pics in the posts! How do you do that?
7/12/2006 3:29:50 PM

Hello Ana Maria,

As A late commer to The Presure Cooker (PC) it's a real Learning curve - trial and error LOL..

This is what I do.  I create my message in my email client (Outlook Express) and insert the pics in the message.  Then I copy and paste it on the forum post.

Hope that helps.


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