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Re :I need your thoughts
7/10/2006 6:33:57 AM
This movie is very well put and explains one principle of the Mastery of Life. I have the rest of the story.
Robert Talmadge To follow your dream, follow your heart.
Flag of Kathy Hamilton

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Re :I need your thoughts
7/10/2006 9:34:50 AM
Hello my friends, If there were more positive things in ones lives maybe there would not be so much so despair in life,It is not something that happens over night it is all a process,but what do you have to loose? Follow the concepts implement it into your life,Kathy/simikathy
I walk by faith not by sight Profit Clicking
Re :I need your thoughts
7/10/2006 3:51:44 PM

Kathy I just watched the movie. It was outstanding,informative,life changing and one of the best inspiraional movies I ever saw. I am going to send it to all my friends so they can also be blown away. Thanks


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Re :I need your thoughts
7/10/2006 4:57:16 PM

Dear Kathy,


I watched only a part of the video.  I think it is wrong, because it puts you in charge.  We don't need secrets.  We already have a book that tells us all about life financial prosperity, health and love.  It is called the bIBLE. 


Don't mean to preach, but God wanted us to rely on him and not ourselves.


The Bible is God's handbook of life.  If you look the answers are in there.


If you have questions email me and I will try to give you answers.


Enough of my preachinf.  Have A great Day!

God Bless You, Mahlon Grube I help people in MLM Succeed.

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