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Re: How Did the US Fire a Missile from North Korea?
7/6/2006 11:20:50 AM
Great title Dave, It certainly got my attention :-) I singing in the choir here ;-) Stones dropping in water create what looks like a mushroom cloud. Who can you think of that made that comparison a long time ago when he did not know that we would call them mushroom clouds. Airplanes look a lot like big birds also. David
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Re :How Did the US Fire a Missile from North Korea?
7/6/2006 1:33:33 PM

Hi Dave,

Well, you certainly got my attention. I agree with everything that you have said.

Ignorance breeds fear and I sometimes think that because most people do not have a total grasp of the situation that they try and hide their heads in the sand and only hope for peace.

Right now this situation has to be closely monitored.

Thank you, Dave.

Your Good Friend


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Re :How Did the US Fire a Missile from North Korea?
7/6/2006 3:12:43 PM
Hi Dave,

This is an excellent post, and includes valuable information for which we ALL need to be aware!    I usually shy away from political forums because I do not feel confident, but here goes......  :-)

Your quote, "What amazes me at this time is the number of people..... right in the United States, who constantly and vehemently attack the policies of the government of the United States."

Here are my questions to these people:

1. "Where else would you want to live?"
  Are you aware of the concept, "United we Stand, divided we Fall?" 3.  What stand would you take if a war broke out on American soil?
4.  Would "United we Stand," become a much clearer concept?
5.  Do you have an alternative?

Folks, Dave's forum is about knowledge!  It's about empowering yourself with facts!  Like it or not, the enemy is alive and well!  They are armed with weapons and an ever-destructive media.  Each of us can choose be part of the problem or part of the solution.  Knowledge is power!
I want peace as much as anyone, but  I also know that what is happening right now is part of a much BIGGER picture than any of us may ever understand.

Granted, the US has made mistakes, and will continue to make mistakes.  No country or leadership is infallible.  But, when I look at the alternatives, all I can say is, "I am proud to be an American and I stand United!"

Thank you and Bless you, Jill

Re :How Did the US Fire a Missile from North Korea?
7/6/2006 9:05:21 PM

Hi Dave,

Canada does, for the most part, agree with U.S. sentiments about wanting the U.N. and other countries to get involved in the North Korean missile issue.  Personally, I agree.

Why should the U.S. take on the responsibility of policing the world's trouble areas, when so many countries are apathetic or judgemental?  Yet when the U.S. doesn't take a stand, everyone asks why the U.S. is not involved!  

As a close outsider (  :-0  ) the U.S. cannot win these days.

God bless us all.



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Re :Re: How Did the US Fire a Missile from North Korea?
7/7/2006 4:16:35 AM

Hi Donna,

Yes, North Korea is planning to test fire more missiles, in complete defiance of the U.N., including Canada and the U.S.

If they are able to create a successful ICBM, they could definitely hit Australia, as well as Canada and the U.S.  The Canadian government is taking this threat very seriously, as any missile fired at the U.S. would have to travel through Canadian airspace, and a mistake would put it down on Canadian soil.  Furthermore, whether the media picks it up or not, North Korea has an historical problem with Canada, anyway, as the Canadian troops were a strong part of the Nato force that prevented North Korea from taking over the south, a fact that every South Korean I've met is very happy about.  My dad, for example, is considered a hero in South Korea, because he was a part of the Princess Patricia's Canadian Light Infantry in some of the fiercest battles in that conflict.

This threat is very real.  There is also a very strong Iranian link here, as the evidence indicates that Iran is very much involved in aiding North Korea in their nuclear weapons program.  Both North Korea and Iran are led by men who may be just megalomaniacs enough to try to start WWIII. 

While no government is perfect, and the U.S. is certainly no exception, it's time the world started making friends with the one Western power that really has enough strength to seriously stand up to these countries.  At this time, the U.S. is the only country with the capability and the will to stand against the threat of nuclear war.  Canada, the U.K., Australia, and others have the will, and continue to supply manpower, but without the U.S., the deterent just isn't there.

I am continually baffled by Americans who bash their own government, call for the return of their troops, want to stay out of world affairs, and who would rather see madmen run free in the world as long as they do it in their own region of the world, and to heck with all the people they slaughter as long as they're not over here.  Wake up, people!  They already DID come over here on 9-11.  Even in Canada, they are being arrested!  Now they're getting close to the point of being able to fire nuclear warheads from their own soil at targets in the Western World.  Do we have to wait for the first mushroom cloud before we wake up?

(The most ridiculous thing I've heard so far is that the U.S. was actually behind the 9-11 attack, having hatched and backed the plot in order to scare the American public and garner world support for their greedy plot to take over the Iraqi oil fields!)

I am not a fan of war.  I hate it, and it breaks my heart to see it going on.  However, I also believe very strongly that we can't allow bullies "over there" to beat up on the countries around them while we sit in comfort "over here."  I also believe that if we continue to let them get away with their plans, they WILL be over here. 

God bless,



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