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Flag of Alan Smith

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7/5/2006 6:20:31 PM
Wonderful quotes, Kathy! Our greatest calling is to Love each other, isn't it. "For God so Loved the world (all of us) that He gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever believes in Him shall not perish but have eternal life." Since He loved us all equally, let us do the same.
Alan Smith, Your Guide to Being On-Purpose --------------------------- probably the best Identity Theft resource on the internet. ---- View the Movie: View the Presentation!
Flag of Rudy Hiebert(rudyhiebert.myamsoil.c

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7/5/2006 7:12:32 PM
Any red neck in this group had better run for cover. I had a supervisor that bragged about hating everbody. His bark was louder than his bite, and was fun to work for. Many here have had experience in careers and vocations that have brought a variety of people together for the eight or ten hour shifts and I concur with the colorful experience these times bring to our lives. On the other hand, I have some difficulty believing that it's as easy as "change prejudice, and that my generation of kids can grow up appreciating the glorious rainbows of diversity." My kids know what I think about certain racial issues and remind me to not say anything. They've already made up their minds. I'm not prejudiced about certain or any races, just have a belief grid that will not easily accept mixed racial marriages, for example.
Flag of Eva Gutray

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7/5/2006 9:04:36 PM
07-06-2006 Tasmania - Australia Hi Kathy and all AdlandPro Friends,, I only can repeat Robert J Talmadge comment, we lacking warm for one and other, and Respect is the one that we leaving out of our lifes. Warm Regards Eva We are a Independent Distributor of E-card/Postcard Sweepstakes, and are currently Recruiting Committed, Enthusiastic People Locally as well Internationally to join and expand our Business with this Revolutionary Charity Organization offering Opportunities to everyone by joining our Team at
Non for Profit Organization from Tasmania - Australia GLOBAL HARMONY PEOPLE HELP PEOPLE WHERE? AT
Flag of Kathy Hamilton

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7/5/2006 11:57:29 PM
hELLO FRIENDS, HERES THIS TO THINK ABOUT.KATHY Nothing we do, however virtuous, can be accomplished alone. Therefore, we are saved by love. No virtuous act is quite a virtuous from the standpoint of our friend or foe as from our own; Therefore, we are saved by the final form of love which is forgiveness.
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