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Re: Car is on fire - what would you do?
7/6/2006 9:56:52 AM
Hi Jenny... =============== So much talk about money... I think we may have some of our values twisted. Once our kids are provided for and we can get to the end of the month - how much money do we need. Dont get me wrong - I like money, for the things it can buy me - including security, things to make us comfortable and bring beauty into our lives - but... I do mind how I earn it =============== I completely agree on the "I do mind how I earn it" part. I have never been willing to compromise my morals or ethics for money. But -- the question about "Once our kids are provided for and we can get to the end of the month - how much money do we need? That depends on our purpose. ... If my purpose is to provide for other children besides my own, I need more. ... If my purpose is to help educate children in third world countries, I need more. ...If my purpose is to train single mothers to increase their income so they can provide for their childeren, I need more. ... If my purpose is to provide for the millions of homeless children (and their parents) right here in North America, I need more. If my goal in this life is only to provide for my own children and let the rest of God's children fend for themselves... then, indeed, I don't need much. But, if I have a greater purpose, if I want to make a difference beyond the walls of my own home, then I need more. People, animals, our planet and even the stars above - they are all creations of the universe. Creations of God, for those who believe in God. We are all parts of a whole. How can I not reach out a hand anywhere that I can? Speaking personally, when I get to the end of this lifetime - if there is a moment when I meet my maker - I want to be able to say I did as much I could. Just my thoughts.
Re: Car is on fire - what would you do?
7/6/2006 10:16:46 AM
Hey Tim! ========= I believe that I or any of my friends here wouldn't hesitate to rescue that child no matter the parentage, that's just the quality of people here (IMHO) ========= yes, indeed, I'd agree with you... the majority here would jump in to help. There are some that wouldn't, but that's the same everywhere. ========= That motivator (Love) is the MOST powerful of all. But that's an extreme example for motivation, and what we're all REALLY talking about here is business and money. I've wondered sometimes if it's really about anything besides money, but then I see that for some people there's almost no amount of money that would get them motivated to jump in, so there's obviously something more at stake. ========= I think Kim hit the nail on the head. It's ALL about more than money. It's about purpose. When we have a strong purpose, that's a love and love is a motivator. Without a purpose, it's just money. Money, in itself, means nothing. What you can DO with it - now that's another thing. People who lack any purpose beyond a roof over their own head and food in their own belly -- they seldom have the motivation to do more. People who have a purpose - you can't stop those people. : ) Linda
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Re :Re: Car is on fire - what would you do?
7/9/2006 10:22:47 AM
Hi Linda, I agree with all that you have said . when I said - "how much more do we need?"- I was referring to money needed for personal use. I would never question the value of trying to make money to help other people or improve our world. (I raise money for the Spanish Cancer Association running a craft fair each) It just didn't occur to me that my statement would be understood like this (although re reading it, I can understand why it has been) Having said that, I will still not compromise my convictions against using materials from exploited labour, even to raise money for a "greater purpose". In that respect, the ends do not justify the means. We have to be consistent. Have a nice rest of day everyone. Jenny

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