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Car is on fire - what would you do?
7/4/2006 9:04:14 PM
Hi... Alan Smith posted a forum about urgency and direction and told a zen story about the difference between a fox and a rabbit. Kim Stilwell posted this in response; A woman's car is on fire and she seeks you for help because her wallet is in the car. What is your response? Change the her child is in the car. Now what would you do? Change the scenario one more time...YOUR child is in the car... All I can say is hot d*mn. Seriously. Apply it to people. Apply it to your business. Apply it to anything. How much something or someone MEANS to you affects your actions. Because you KNOW that if it was your kid in that car, you'd be running before they finished telling you. But what else or who else can motivate you to that kind of immediate action? Thoughts? Linda P.S. Thanks Kim
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Re: Car is on fire - what would you do?
7/4/2006 9:47:04 PM
Well Linda, Let there be no doubt that I believe that I or any of my friends here wouldn't hesitate to rescue that child no matter the parentage, that's just the quality of people here (IMHO) I even know many people here would try to save the dog too ;-) That motivator (Love) is the MOST powerful of all. But that's an extreme example for motivation, and what we're all REALLY talking about here is business and money. I've wondered sometimes if it's really about anything besides money, but then I see that for some people there's almost no amount of money that would get them motivated to jump in, so there's obviously something more at stake. I look to the recent $100,000 offer in 6 months, which of course attracted considerable attention judging from the number of ads I got, but amazingly (and I count myself in this bunch) there were some who looked but refused to promote until there was some PROOF in the pudding (so to speak), because we've come to learn that a reputation is sometimes worth the risk of not making the money, and I would personally prefer to miss out on $100,000 than risk promoting something I didn't believe in or trust. So are there any greater motivators than: Loving what we do, Belief, and Trust? (oh yea..and running for our LIVES!! lol) Just some thoughts..
Tim Southernwood/Get eH² Packs!/BlogNet Awards We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence then is not an act but a habit - Aristotle
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Re: Car is on fire - what would you do?
7/4/2006 10:02:01 PM
Tim, I Like that quote. Let's get in the habit of doing everything with excellence. Linda, Thanks for the follow up thought... I have been giving that topic some thought and I think that one of the things that gets me to focused and urgent action is the thought that someone else might get their first. Thoughts?
Alan Smith, Your Guide to Being On-Purpose --------------------------- probably the best Identity Theft resource on the internet. ---- View the Movie: View the Presentation!
Re: Car is on fire - what would you do?
7/4/2006 11:44:44 PM
I never thought of it that way . but I will from now on .Thank You. Katie
BIZYKATIE'S PLACE LAMARQUE,TX 77568 1 (409)938-7969
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Re: Car is on fire - what would you do?
7/4/2006 11:53:13 PM
Hi Alan, That would be the "money" motivator (or the fear of losing it) ;-)
Tim Southernwood/Get eH² Packs!/BlogNet Awards We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence then is not an act but a habit - Aristotle

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