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Donna Zuehl

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Fibromyalgia Syndrome
7/3/2006 9:18:05 PM
This forum is for those who are interested in Fibromyalgia. We will be discussing a variety of topics related to this syndrome. Your input will be welcomed. If you have any questions please feel free to post them. Also post your experiences with Fibromyalgia. Perhaps we can help each other by sharing this information. I have had Fibromyalgia for years. I do not know when it began or what caused it. Some of the topics we will discuss are: causes, treatments, lifestyle changes, emotional support, symptoms, and other related areas.
Re: Fibromyalgia Syndrome
7/3/2006 9:24:03 PM
Are there any theories available for what causes fibromyalgia? What about cures? What problems does one suffer with this?
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Ron Orr

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Re: Fibromyalgia Syndrome
7/3/2006 9:32:48 PM
Hello. Thanx for the invite to your forum. I know about Fibromyalgia. I also know what really knocks it for a loop. I don't often add my links or promote my businesses on forum. So pardon me this once. Do look into this. It also has a business side to it,for those who want it. Take a look see. Hope you all have a great day tomorrow. Ron:) ps you may have to cut and paste this to open it??
Ron Orr
Re: Fibromyalgia Syndrome
7/3/2006 9:43:04 PM
Wanna know something SAD?!?? I got my R.N. 1979, and we didn't even study Fibro or CFS. WHY??? Because they didn't exist. The more we expose ourselves to toxic household cleaners in our homes... and toxins in our foods, the worse it will get! In 1979 cancer was also 1 in 17... it's now one in 2.... SCARY... Linda/CMAS, BS, RN
Nan Kietzke

39 Posts
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Re: Fibromyalgia Syndrome
7/3/2006 9:47:14 PM
I understand that Fibromyalgia is so painful and uncomfortable. I have met a few that have it. Since I started my business, I found out that our product has been very very helpful in relieving pain and improving their conditions. But, to keep from advertising here, I will just let people contact me if they have any questions for comparisons. Pain can be very wearing and tiring for sure. Nan
contact me at

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