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Re: The lawlessness of the FDA, Big Pharma immunity, and crimes against humanity
6/29/2006 4:35:43 PM large as these will never be able to cliam the truth.They make Billions a day and because thay do,they can get by with these practises.Our government is as the same.They niether hear the voice`s of the people......Until it`s to late.
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Re: The lawlessness of the FDA, Big Pharma immunity, and crimes against humanity
6/29/2006 8:22:31 PM
I'm not surprised. Is there a way we can get a petition going and get signatures and then send it to the "president and to BIG PHARMA"? By the way a friend of mine sent me some info about Aspratame. If I remember correctly it is a toxin {believe it or not}that is in chewing gum. Guess what people...most of us chew gum daily. Great article Luella...
Re: The lawlessness of the FDA, Big Pharma immunity, and crimes against humanity
6/29/2006 10:23:17 PM
Hi, Thanks so much for the forum. It is helpful to me to know others see the same things going on & to connect with those likeminded.
Re: The lawlessness of the FDA, Big Pharma immunity, and crimes against humanity
6/29/2006 10:34:20 PM
Hi Luella and Friends I reported on a bill introduced to congress last December about this ver issue. In my reserch to prove or disprove the conection between childhood vaccinations and autism. I got a newsfeed at 10am on Dec26, 2,005 that Sen. Bill Frist finally managed to slip an amendment into a 1.500 page defense spending bill that relieved drug companies of any liability. fRIST HAS BEEN A HIGHLY PAID LOBBYIST FOR THE DRUG COMPANIES FOR MANY YEARS AND HAS BEEN RELENTLESS IN HIS ATTEMPTS TO SLIDE THIS BILL THROUGH CONGRESS. He managed to finally do this on that fate day, the day after Christmas last year. Upon completion of his underhanded mission he notified his friends in the Drug Pushing Sector and declared to them that Dec, 26th would forever be known to them as FRISTMAS DAY yET ANOTHER REASON TO OUST THIS ENTIRE ADMINISTRATION AND ALL IN THE GOVERNMENT WHO SUPPORT THEM. May a smile follow you to sleep each night,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, and be there waiting,,, when you awaken. Sincerly, Bill Vanderbilt Mental Health And Political Forums Respectively Great New Product And Biz Op. Came to me highly recommended by a very good friend. I am just starting and I will keep you all informed as to progress. It really looks good. Here is my link
May a smile follow you to sleep each night and,,,,,be there waiting,,,,,when you awaken Sincerely, Billdaddy
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Re: The lawlessness of the FDA, Big Pharma immunity, and crimes against humanity
6/30/2006 5:40:09 PM
Hello Everyone, This is Luella. This, indeed, is a very sad day. Money makes the world go round. At any expense. Doctors do not cure you, they treat you. They treat you for their own gain. We are nothing but people being experimented on. People being used. I have two bus kids that are medicated. They have been labeled as ADHD. This condition can be corrected by diet, yet the medical profession has convinced the mothers that their children need to be drugged. Let me give you my personal experience with these three children before they were drugged. Child No. 1: Yes, very hard to manage, very disruptive. A Sunday School Teacher had to pull me out of my Sunday School because he was such a disruption. I had a talk with child number 1. I asked him if he liked the bus. Did he like the fun? I informed him that this behavior would not be tolerated and if it happened again, he would be suspended from the bus. From that moment on I had no behavioral problem with Child Number 1. This occurred back in March. Child No. 2: Bouncing off walls, totally disrespectful and using bad language. The only thing I said is, "I am going to talk to your mother about your behavior." The boy freaked. Something about his reaction made me go to Plan B. I said that if I had his Word that he would be a model gentleman from now on, that I would not tell his mother this time. However, this was a warning and I only warn once. We sealed our agreement with a handshake. No more problems with child number 2. Child No. 3: This one is quite recent. This little four year old girl was totally uncontrollable. She would get up from her seat, run around the classroom, run out of the room. Well, I picked her up to put her on my lap. I got kicked and bitten. This little girl was not allowed back. Not ever. She was from another bus route. The bus captain tells me a couple of weeks later that she wants to come back. Although I wanted to say no, I said yes, and let's see what happens. When she started to become uncontrollable, I got down on my knees, looked her straight in the eye and said. I don't want to have to tell you that you may not come back to church. I really want you here. But you do need to behave or I will have no choice. I hugged her. Mimi won the good seat prize that day. I praised her and always do now. She loves hugs. And I have no problems. Child Number one and number two have recently been put on Ridalyn. I am not sure if I have spelled that correctly. These two boys are drugged. They walk around in a daze. One of the boys doesn't even wake up for church half of the time. Mimi has not been put on drugs, but from "wild" behavior, she is now a well behaved child. I have no idea what she is like at home. I maintain that children are being drugged for the sole purpose of controlling them. This is just the beginning of controlling the future generation with drugs. The parents do not see this, as they live in poverty and are not educated. Ridalyn stunts children's growth. I am not familiar with other side effects, but I know there are more. It is time for the people to stand up for their rights. It is almost too late. We are about to lose it all. Kindest regards, Luella May and John Elliott, aka Oaky Wood