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You Are Who You Are, Not What You Do
6/29/2006 3:08:58 AM
Our perception of the traits and characteristics that make us who we are is often tightly intertwined with how we live our life. We define ourselves in terms of the roles we adopt, our actions and inactions, our triumphs, and what we think are failures. As a result it is easy to identify so strongly with a decision that has resulted in unexpected negative consequences that we actually become that "wrong" decision. The disappointment and shame we feel when we make what we perceive as a mistake grows until it becomes a dominant part of our identities. We rationalize our "poor" decisions by labeling ourselves incompetent decision-makers. However, your true identity cannot be defined by your choices. Your essence-what makes you a unique entity-exists independently of your decision-making process. There are no true right or wrong decisions. All decisions contribute to your development and are an integral part of your evolving existence yet they are still separate from the self. A decision that does not result in its intended outcome is in no way an illustration of character. Still, it can have dire effects on our ability to trust ourselves and our self-esteem. You can avoid becoming your decisions by affirming that a "bad decision" was just an experience, and next time you can choose differently. Try to avoid lingering in the past and mulling over the circumstances that led to your perceived error in judgment. Instead, adapt to the new circumstances you must face by considering how you can use your intelligence, inner strength, and intuition to aid you in moving forward more mindfully. Try not to entirely avoid thinking about the choices you have made, but reflect on the consequences of your decision from a rational rather than an emotional standpoint. Strive to under! stand why you made the choice you did, forgive yourself, and then move forward. A perceived mistake becomes a valuable learning experience and is, in essence, a gift to learn and grow from. You are not a bad person and you are not your decisions; you are simply human. Marilyn L. Ali
Marilyn L Martin
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Flag of Jerome Pfeifer

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Re: You Are Who You Are, Not What You Do
6/29/2006 3:16:54 AM
Excellent writing Marilyn, Reads well,enables one to not get stuck in the mud of life. Regards, Jerome Pfeifer Sr.
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Flag of Georgios Paraskevopoulos

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Re: You Are Who You Are, Not What You Do
6/29/2006 3:32:34 AM
Hello Marilyn, Nice serial of themes you have chosen. "Wrong" and "right" decisions is a big subject to discuss. I believe we act as in the direction the society want us to follow. If we don't it is easy to get the stamp "a-social". If we do what we really want to many times we are in confrontation with the society. It is like a marriage, a compromiss, where both make steps back to find a golden pagh. I will follow up this forum and jump in when I feel to write my opinion. My new forum: THE MYSTERIES - UNKNOWN TRUTH will touch this nice subjects of yours from different perspectives. Warm Regards Georgios
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Re: You Are Who You Are, Not What You Do
6/29/2006 11:01:40 AM
Marilyn, Thanks I needed to hear that today. I am presently between jobs and was doubting my goodness. Have a good day! Jules
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Flag of Deborah Skovron

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Re: You Are Who You Are, Not What You Do
6/29/2006 1:39:09 PM
Hi Marilyn, You hit that one spot on, mistakes are not bad, they aid in the learning process. And mistakes definitely do not define who we are. Thank you for the great article. Your Good Friend Deborah
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