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Our Friend is leaving Adlandpro
6/26/2006 8:02:56 PM
Hello my friends, I just recieved a note from our Adlandpro Friend Jerry Daoust, He wanted me to tell Bogdan,Michael and all of his friends as of June 30, He will no longer be here at Adlandpro,He did not tell me the reason why he is leaving but he just asked me to relay the message, But I did reply to him asking him why he is leaving on that day.But I must respect him and do him the favor he wants me to do.Jerry will be missed as he has been a part of Adlandpro for some time and is an amazing man.God Speed to you have all my contact information if you need anything.Kathy Martin/simikathy
I walk by faith not by sight Profit Clicking
Re: Our Friend is leaving Adlandpro
6/26/2006 8:08:13 PM
Bye Jerry. have a nice life. May God Bless You.
Neno's Place
Re: Our Friend is leaving Adlandpro
6/26/2006 8:11:27 PM
Thanks Kathy, Godspeed Jerry! May all be well with you and your loved ones. As we say in Jamaica.."Walk good" meaning "take good care as you go" Marlamar
"Success is part determination and part divine intervention" - Marlamar
Flag of Kathy Kanouse

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Re: Our Friend is leaving Adlandpro
6/26/2006 8:15:38 PM
Thanks Kathy for telling us. I never had the opportunity to meet Jerry, But I'm always sad when we loose a friend from Adland. :(
Flag of Robin McLean

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Re: Our Friend is leaving Adlandpro
6/26/2006 8:40:15 PM
Farewell, Jerry. I hope all is well with you, and that you'll return to your AdlandPro family in the near future. Until then, you are in my thoughts and prayers. Best wishes to you. Miracles & Blessings, Robin
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