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Jill Bachman

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Re: Do I Have Too Leave Adland
6/24/2006 10:30:30 PM
Hi Linda, I, too, agree with the previous posts. Just ignore and delete the messages. You can also block senders in either Adland or your primary email program. They are a sad bunch! Hold your head up high and just keep doing all the good things you represent the majority of good people, don't forget :-) Bless you, Jill
Patricia Bartch

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Re: Do I Have Too Leave Adland
6/24/2006 10:33:12 PM
Hi Linda. Why in the world would you allow spammers and crooks to have power over you. Pay no attention. Ignore them and don't take these scammers notes personally. I get them too and forward them to their ISP -- Pat
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Re: Do I Have Too Leave Adland
6/24/2006 10:35:15 PM
HI Linda I know how aggravating these can be, having seen them for years, starting with the ones from Nigeria. What is really sad is the people who spend their last dime trying to help this type person and then loses it all. Here is a website that addresses these issues and other scams: The internet is a great tool, but like all tools they can be used - or abused. I hope you will continue to tickle our funny bones as there is never enough laughter God Bless you Linda!
Robin McLean

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Re: Do I Have Too Leave Adland
6/24/2006 10:42:52 PM
Linda: I dont recall anyone calling you any names, but if you'd like to leave... so be it. The 'drama' has lingered on far too long for my taste, anyways. As for the email... I get tons of these all the time... including the ones regarding my having won the British Lottery (lol), and I simply delete them. Whatever you decide... best wishes to you. Miracles & Blessings, Robin
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Bonnie Dale

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Re: Do I Have Too Leave Adland
6/24/2006 10:43:51 PM
No Way Linda. Just delete them. You are way too valuable to all of us to let this creep get to you. Rise above it. Just curious, but who called you a liar?? They are the ones should give you and apology or leave.

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