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Mary Hofstetter

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Re: Cool or confusion
6/25/2006 9:19:54 PM
Hi Leon, Know the feeling. When I was on the other day, I thought popups were gone and then wham, bam there they were again. This forum is providing a good service tho as we know the community is working together to make them more palatable. So glad you visited here.
Bogdan Fiedur

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Re: Cool or confusion
6/25/2006 9:30:35 PM
Hi Leon, I'm not quite sure how you see it. There were requests that the popup is rather long than high so it doesn't interfere with the information one is looking at on the screen. The pop-up window is meant to be around 600 pixels wide (long). If your screen resolution is low. e.g. 600 or 800 it might appear that window goes beyond the screen. Let me know what your resolution is. Also the other thing might be your browser which is not properly interpreting our codes. What browser are you using? One more thing, when you are on any page try refreshing your window. Refresh will cause that some scripts will be reloaded. You might be using the old ones from before. Bogdan
Leon Horton

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Re: Cool or confusion
6/25/2006 10:06:49 PM
Hi Bogdan, Thank you for checking in here again. I am not seeing the box extending across the page. The words that are in the box simply continue across the page out of sight. The words should be contained within the box by word wrapping the text within the text box... much the same as in these forums. Thext stays within the defined area of the frame. I am using the latest version of Firefox and I don't think it has anything to do with the browser or refreshing. You have a red border on the pop-up box and the words simply run past it and even off the screen. My resolution is set to 1024x768 but the words just keep on going across the page and completely out of sight to the right in a lot of instances. If somebody uses a hard return, the text starts back at the left as it should. One instance showed that the person ended a sentence with a period. The next line started below the member's picture. I was just suggesting that the words inside the frame of the pop-up stay contained with the border of the frame. Thanks, Leon
Cheri Merz

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Re: Cool or confusion
6/25/2006 10:52:03 PM
Hi, Leon. The words do wrap within the box on my screen. In her forum, Linda Caroll has made more than one comment about making sure that a site can be viewed properly in all browsers, so I think it is a browser issue, but probably one that Adland's programmers should solve. I'm not sure whether you can affect it with your settings or not. Cheri
Jenny SJ

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Re: Cool or confusion
6/26/2006 4:56:14 AM
Hi All, I also use Mozilla, like Leon. I think it may be part of the problem. I am going to change my browser back to Int Explorer and see (when I can remember how to do it! - any help to change it by Private Message would be greatly appreciated!). I have no options for icons in my Chat room either (using Mozilla) and all my friends have little pictures. IT's NOT FAIR. Waaaah! Is this happening to anyone else? Saludos Jenny

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