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Leon Horton

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Re: Marketing Advertisement
6/11/2006 1:47:55 AM
Hi Kathy, Most ads need to inspire a person to act. Most of the actions taken by people in response to an ad or headline is due to a tug on one or more emotions. May I suggest a free service to determine the emotional value of an ad heading or title? Emotional Marketing Value Headline Analyzer is a free service to help people determine the emotional value their words have in the ads or headlines that they write. Many people won't even open an email unless it has some type of appeal to them... that means we have to hit on some kind of emotion to get an action to be taken. Most often all we want is for people to open the email, right? Here you go... Good Luck! I have one that has a 75% EMV. Still testing it, so I don't know how well it works yet. Peace, Leon
Kathy Hamilton

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Re: Marketing Advertisement
6/11/2006 2:01:44 AM
Hello Leon, This is what mine said.I went on your site to try it out,your amazing,kathy this is what mine said: Copywriting Headline Analyzer Contact Free Analyzer How it Works Stay Updated! Sign up for our newsletter and we'll let you know when new copy analysis tools are available! Subscribe Here Free Headline Analysis Results Thanks for using Advanced Marketing Institute's Headline Analyzer! You submitted the following headline for Emotional Marketing Value analysis: "Let me help you grow your business come be a part of our successJoin our team" Your Headline's EMV Score: 43.75% This score indicates that your headline has a total of 43.75% Emotional Marketing Value (EMV) Words. To put that in perspective, the English language contains approximately 20% EMV words. And for comparison, most professional copywriters' headlines will have 30%-40% EMV Words in their headlines, while the most gifted copywriters will have 50%-75% EMV words in headlines. A perfect score would be 100%, but that is rare unless your headline is less than five words. While the overall EMV score for your headline is 43.75%, your headline also has the following predominant emotion classification: Intellectual Empathetic We've determined that your headline appeals equally to people's intellectual and empathetic spheres. Intellectual impact words are best used to attune copy and sales messages aimed at people and businesses involved in the fields of education, law, medicine, research, politics, and similar fields. While not restricted to these groups, by giving presentations which are weighted with Intellectual impact words, your clients and customers will be more positively influenced and you are more likely to attain a more favorable response. Copy containing empathetic impact words are best used to attune with people and businesses involved with care-giving. For example, nurses, doctors, and counselors all tend to respond easily and favorably to Empathetic words. Women, and especially mothers, are very strong in their use of Empathetic impact words in the language. While use of Empathetic impact words does not have to be limited to these groups, we've found that by selecting m ore words with Empathetic impact delivers desirable conversion responses from those types of market segments.
I walk by faith not by sight Profit Clicking
Leon Horton

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Re: Marketing Advertisement
6/11/2006 2:16:25 AM
Hi Kathy, I am glad you liked it! I ment to make the link clickable, but failed to do that before I hit the post button... OOPS! Stop Paying Monthly Fees! Has an EMV of 75% I will use that for my current promotions fopr a while and see what it does for me. Plan4Power is just the way to stop paying monthly fees. I will keep it for a while and see if it will help. Here's the link again so people can click on it. EMV = Emotional Marketing Value I hope many more people will use the site. I get absolutely nothing for promoting it and it is free to use. Maybe we can get better responses to our emails, eh? Peace, Leon
Kathy Hamilton

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Re: Marketing Advertisement
6/11/2006 2:53:29 AM
Hello Leon, I stand behind it and I will also be promoting it,it is a great business tool.Kathy
I walk by faith not by sight Profit Clicking
Scott Gentry

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Are You Getting Results or Wasting Time?
6/11/2006 6:59:35 AM
Glad you started this thread Kathy! First off - If you adveritse correctly, you will get results with ANY Procuct. IT DOES not matter what it is. Most of us focus on the product when you should be doing THE EXACT opposite. Focus on Correct Advertising that produces maximum results. I usually can get between 4-10 new contacts a day. Some days I get less. More on this later. A good Mentor with Years of verifiable Experience is the most important thing you need to have when in this industry to get in the right direction. And you have to be Willing to listen to that mentor. (trust he or she)Adland is a great place for just that!! Some try to'wing it' trying to learn by his or herself. I witness this all too much and is the main contributor to failure. Ask questions to your mentor. I cannot stress this enough. This is just as important. Identity & Purpose-- Who are you on the internet? And Why are you here? Fun? More Income? . . . Both? You have to establish this to start in the right direction. Either way, It is so very important to have your own domain name. This is how you 'identify' yourself on the net. And make a much better income too.. You can see page 4 on the site below to understand how to get your own for FREE if you like. I will even help you build it. Then you will have your entire 'YOU' under one umbrella for 'your identity'. Why have a big list of url's when they can be under ONE? There are so many Poeple online who Still DO NOT DO this. I have learned throughout the years, there are many networkers who are members of so many affiliate programs, they cant keep up with them all. In turn going in circles never making any progress not knowing who or what to believe, wasting hours at the PC doing absolutley nothing but surfing and getting more confused. This is ONE MAIN reason for failure in this industry. Not staying focused, and never getting any "work" done. Sound familiar? Training And Trust. Most are just simply trained the wrong way or given a website to learn from themselves.. Basically thrown to the Wolves with no direction. Or have too much "pride" to ask any questions. If you are not getting results, you are not advertising - networking correctly. Ask your mentor for assistance. ASK ASK!!! TRUST You have to trust your mentor(s) and you have to be willing to listen. This is why you ASK! If you dont trust a mentor(s), how in the world are you going to trust anyone else? Focus on Results. If you are not getting responses, you need to change your campaign. Need help? Just ask your mentor. Exposure of the product (hits to your Website.) or what I like to call it, The Finish Line! No hits, no exposure. No Work - No Results. There are all these programs that promise results for nothing. Forced matrix bla bla, Joke... And last but not least. Persistance. If you dont have persistance you will fail. Period. You can get them to the Finish line, but Auto Responders will not do the work for you. This is a prime example of network fishing incorrectly... This business is not easy. So finding an advertising POND that produces results is so very important. Adland is very good, but there are so many others out there. This is why a mentor willing to help is so very important too. One more very important thing. Don't ever sell your product or service. This is Another HUGE mistake. Sell yourself. Personal contact is the only way to succeed. You would never ask someone to marry you on the first date. ( I wouldn't!) So why ask him to look at your 'goods' before you even meet each other?? Use the same tactic in the networking world too. You have to gain the trust of that person first. Then you will get a guaranteed sell every time. Trust me. LCP pages work well in this fashion to gain contact information. Ask me for LCP assistance if you like. Feel free to contact us anytime through our Public website below. We are always willing to give an assisting hand with any aspect of this business. If you are interested in our private ventures, feel free to email us inside. We will get back with you asap. Have a Profitable Day! And what ever you do today, just get er done!
Kindest Regards, Scott Gentry The Money Generator 901.282.8789 USA "Let us make an extraordinary difference in ordinary lives"