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Conquering ‘The Pits’ And Our Own Pendulums of Fear
6/7/2006 7:24:16 AM
Conquering ‘The Pits’ And Our Own Pendulums of Fear By John Elliott Aka Oaky Wood©2006 The famous horror movie “The Pit and The Pendulum” starring Vincent Price, which was written by Edgar Alan Poe, the definitive and ultimate master of suspense and fear, with this book and subsequent movie, took the concept of all man’s fears, that which haunts his inner mind, and expanded upon it, making the fear of fear itself the most frightening element of the film, and not just the awesomely created medieval swinging, and menacing steel blade as it tick-tocked its gruesome path towards the heroes chest. Nor the actual pit with its jaw like appearance and jagged teeth of metal, and the savage dogs waiting deep in the chasm. Every fear was there, the fears of every man and woman. With the leading man (Vincent Price) fearing that he would be just like his father, only through those fears that tormented him, in the end he became that which he feared the most, because he allowed that fear to engulf his every waking hour. Oh how I empathise with those who have journeyed into their own menacing, "but different pits", I’ve been there myself so many times in my 55 years on this mortal plain. I've been a single parent now for over 10 years, and it wasn’t until the realisation that my marriage break up wasn’t “ALL MY FAULT”, that I could eventually climb back up that stairway of self esteem, and gain back those confidences that I once enjoyed in my younger years. The self-blame and loneliness fears, all took their toll on me at the time. Unfortunately I had no therapists to help and guide me, so I had to find my own path through the darkness and out of my pits, without the flickering light of hope to help me succeed and conquer my own deepest fears. Fear of getting into a relationship again, and the fundamental mistrusting of others, and being afraid to show love. Fear of failure within myself, as that was how I perceived my own existence. The basic fear of failing my children and not being able to provide for their ever growing and demanding needs. My Fear of everything known and yes the fear of what’s to come, the unknown, even fear of being afraid. But for my children's sake I certainly had to shake this yolk that sat so heavily on my weakened shoulders. Conquering fear was and is no mean feat, as he always sits their waiting to pounce, lurking in every dark recess of ones mind, ever eager to jump out and point that dark finger and give you that twang in your heart that keeps screaming FAILED AGAIN. Yet I journeyed on, and became stronger through it. Now through my own new strengths, I can begin to help others break down those barriers, for once fear itself is conquered, through openness and the sharing with others my own torments, my inner most thoughts, and experiences of life, then being afraid is no longer an issue, and the dreaded "pits of fear and the razor sharp pendulum" now holds no concepts that could ever harm me, as all along these fears were only the thoughts of an unhappy person, and had no real place in my new realisations. The pendulum of time still swings on, and after all is yet another fear, yes the oldest fears, the fears of age and of growing old, dying too young, and the fear of death itself. As children we were told not to be afraid of the dark, yet we still grow up with that dreaded fear implanted in our subconscious minds. Yet fear in certain circumstances can be a good thing, as the actual fear itself keeps our senses alert and it’s there to form part of our natural survival instincts, as being afraid heightens your perception of the world around you. An antelope lives in fear of predators every single day and night of its life, does it suffer from stress, or stress related illnesses through its fear, or does it simply live its own life to the max, allowing that inner fear to keep it alert as nature intended it. Being afraid after a break up in any relationship is the bodies natural defence system kicking in, and the pit of despair can only open if you let it, and the pendulum continues to swing, as a symbol of time itself like the metronome it really is. Conquering or being in control of your own fears, is emotionally demanding, yet can be achieved through self-help or motivational groups, so do seek the help you need early. Don’t leave it until fear is in control, as you don’t have to fight this battle alone as I did. Take control of your fears today and be in a better position to govern your own future. By John Elliott Aka Oaky Wood©2006 John Elliott Aka Oaky Wood is currently the Co-Founder of "The Corner 4 Women©2006" is a Poet, writer, artist, webmaster and designer. He is also the owner of the Oakwood Grafix©2005 Group of websites This article may be reproduced provided it is unedited in any way with all links intact, and the copyright is retained by its original author above.
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Re: Conquering ‘The Pits’ And Our Own Pendulums of Fear
6/7/2006 9:42:40 AM
Hello John, "Nothing to Fear But Fear, Itself!" works well in all the battles in our lives. So, Straighten Up, Shoulders Back, Head Held High, and face your demons, Buddy! Thanks for Sharing and Caring, maxinvegas
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Re: Conquering ‘The Pits’ And Our Own Pendulums of Fear
6/7/2006 1:20:47 PM
Hi John Battling the FEAR syndrome, loneliness and setting prime goals can become intidating to many. Conquering or being in control of your own fears and demands, can and is emotionally demanding, BUT CAN BE CONTROLLED with the help of family and counseling. Fear can be captured and set free if you work on it. ====================================== Place a FREE AD on me: 10,500 Free HITS from this link: Massive Traffic for FREE FREE: Multiply Your Advertising Results By Thousands With Your Ad Listed On 5635+ Sites! Tons OF Traffic!
Re: Conquering ‘The Pits’ And Our Own Pendulums of Fear
6/7/2006 4:16:25 PM
Hi John, This is a valuable message, thank you. The saying - "There is nothing to fear, except fear itself", is absolutely true, and I'm saying this from firsthand experience! Regards, - Join a company with a 98% success rate ADHD or starting memory loss or dementia? -
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Re: Conquering ‘The Pits’ And Our Own Pendulums of Fear
6/9/2006 10:02:42 AM
HI, Great article, but I think I agree with James, "we have nothing to fear but fear itself". Thank you. Your Good Friend Deborah
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