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Arthur Webster

600 Posts
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Re: *THe Adland's Weekly Parade Of Stars* Week# 13
5/27/2006 5:12:57 PM
Thank you JR, It is a great priviledge to be selected and I am still getting over the surprise. I think we can drop the dosage tonight.
Re: *THe Adland's Weekly Parade Of Stars* Week# 13
5/27/2006 5:13:46 PM
Dea Arthur, Although you are my friend, I really didn't get to know you very well, but after reading your Bio, I feel that I know you a little more now than before. It is a pleasure to have you as my friend, & I hope that we will be able to communicate a little more in the very near future. Congratulations my Friend, & God Bless you. Your Friend, Sweetgrame :-)
Arthur Webster

600 Posts
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Re: *THe Adland's Weekly Parade Of Stars* Week# 13
5/27/2006 5:16:06 PM
Hi, James and Amanda, Thank you for your good wishes and kind words. Let's hope I can maintain the standard and not let 'fame' go to my head. (Vanity - thy name is Arthur)
Arthur Webster

600 Posts
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Re: *THe Adland's Weekly Parade Of Stars* Week# 13
5/27/2006 5:17:24 PM
Hi. Luella May and John, From you, that is praise indeed. Thank you very much.
Arthur Webster

600 Posts
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Re: *THe Adland's Weekly Parade Of Stars* Week# 13
5/27/2006 5:19:10 PM
Hi, Cheryl, Thank you for taking the time to visit and your kind words - the old coot could be blushing (not that he would ever admit it!)

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