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Mary Hofstetter

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Re: Adlandpro Community Cookbook-MEAT
7/17/2006 4:09:12 AM


1 1/2 lb. flank steak, partially forzen
1/3 t.garlic powder
1 t. salt
1 t. liquid smoke
1/2 t. monosodium glutamate
1/3 t. ground black pepper
1 t. onion powder
1/4 c. soy sauce
1/4 c. Worcestershire sauce

Slice flank steak in thick sllices diagonally across the grain.

Combine the seasoning and brush on both sides of meat.

Arrange meat slices on two 10 X 15 X 1 in. jelly roll pans

Place in preheated, very low 200 degree 8-12 hours. Or hang on a string, away from animals, in cool, airy place to dry. Suggest using the new modern home dryer!

Store in plastic bags in refrigerator or freezer

                                                             Makes 3/4 lb



Donnie Graham

55 Posts
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Re: Adlandpro Community Cookbook-MEAT
5/10/2007 12:35:11 PM

Scotch Broth

Your Beef Jerky sounds great! Anyway, mutton was a frequent ingredient in Scottish meals and when Scotch Broth soup was being made, the mutton would often be used as the main course, rather than being chopped up and returned to the pot. The quantities used below will make enough soup for six people. You can use beef instead of mutton or lamb—different taste, but just as wholesome.

The only reason that I’m writing this at the moment is because it’s pouring outside, with a 60mph breeze—ideal conditions for being inside the house, partaking of a tried, tested, and tasty dish, Scotch Broth, which was a huge favourite with our forefathers. We have Scotch Broth, Scotch Whisky, and Scotch Mist, but we’re not Scotch—those of us born north of Hadrian’s Wall are Scottish. Confuse the two spellings at your peril!

Although I love cooking, I’m not a cook of course. I had to concoct things for myself during my student days, and I’m still around, so the weird and wonderful menus couldn’t have been too poisonous. In my 50s now, and a footloose bachelor again, I tend to err on the side of safety when choosing my ingredients. I’ve got 3 grandchildren, and I wouldn’t like them avoiding visits to the old fellow on account of some dodgy (in their view) dinners.

The ingredients are fairly straightforward:--

1.5 lbs (pounds) of mutton or lamb (I prefer a roll); 3 pints of water; about 5oz (ounces) of Scotch Broth mixture (pearl barley, dried peas, lentils etc.), soaked overnight; large carrot, diced; same amount of diced turnip (swede);large onion, diced; 4oz shredded cabbage; small leek if desired. I also use a lamb stock cube nowadays, as I don’t think the flavour of any meat is as pronounced as it used to be A sprinkling of paprika is what I prefer to white pepper.


I usually prepare the stock the night beforehand, if the meat is to be served cold as a second course. Put the meat in a large pan –remember the water! Add lamb stock cube and paprika, bring to the boil, and simmer for at least an hour and a half. You can then remove the meat—it will be ready for carving the following day.

After your night of sweet dreams, head for the kitchen, add the broth mixture to the stock, simmer for about quarter of an hour, then add the vegetables, and simmer for a further hour. Sprinkle parsley on the bowls of soup if desired.

            Slàinte mhath!






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