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Re: Your Friendship Means A LOT To Me (5/21/2006)
5/21/2006 8:18:57 AM
Marion, Besutifully written and so true! Thanks for taking the time to share this and for including me as one of your lucky friends! Yours in Vibrant Health & Prosperity, Dave
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Your Friendship Means A LOT To Me (5/21/2006)
5/21/2006 8:32:04 AM
Hi Marion! Thank you so much for this. I enjoyed being reminded today, and have printed it and added it to my daily reading materials. It reminded me mostly of how easy it is to forget what and who really is and are important in our lives; that it is so easy to get wrapped up in the daily grind and over look all of God's glory because we know it will be there tomorrow. Our "someday" should be today every day. You have written this so beautifully, that I just had to say THANKS, FRIEND! It also reminded me of why I love Adland, the people and the community and why I keep coming back for more. Gratefully! Judy
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Re: Your Friendship Means A LOT To Me (5/21/2006)
5/21/2006 3:16:04 PM
Hello Marion, Sorry for haven't seen you for a long time :-( I was so busy and away from the net and my PC. But now I'm back to this great post! Thank you for this; you're right. Is so much fun to stop and take some time to enjoy and delight yourself with life's so little beauties like flowers, birds singing, wind's blow or spring flowers smell! I just have to figgure out how to share with you "the beauties" of this weekend! With friendship, Anamaria
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Re: Your Friendship Means A LOT To Me (5/21/2006)
5/21/2006 3:22:38 PM
Hi Marion, Thanks for that. I think we all need to be reminded to enjoy life. Its to easy to get lost in the rush.
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Re: Your Friendship Means A LOT To Me (5/21/2006)
5/21/2006 5:07:07 PM

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