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Linda Miller

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Six Steps To A Stronger Mind
4/28/2006 2:42:12 PM
Hello friends, I just received this article from Mark Victor Hansen and thought you would enjoy it too. You can subscribe to receive these articles directly at his website below: Six Steps To A Stronger Mind Our minds are all we've got. They are the source of who we, both personally and professionally. They determine our success or failure. They are our strength and our weakness. With the quality of our entire lives resting on our minds, it's unbelievable that we choose to fill them with so much garbage. The amount of negativity from television, newspapers, tabloids and other media that bombards us on a daily basis is amazing. We would never think to fill our bodies with only junk food, right? Heck no. We know that if we ate nothing but French fries and ice cream we would experience negative consequences like skin blemishes, weight gain and rotting teeth. But with mental junk food we don't see the physical consequences right away. When our minds are constantly filled with negativity and bad news, our minds begin to decay. That's why we need to develop a strong, Herculean-esque mind. LESSON: 6 Steps To A Stronger Mind Developing your mental muscles will give you the power to accomplish anything you want in life. Sure, it takes some discipline on your part, but look at the world's greatest bodybuilders. They don't show up at the gym every once in a while. They create a workout schedule and they are at the gym every day, no matter what. Hire yourself as your "mental manager". Figure out how much you're going to pay yourself and make up a job list. Here are six jobs to assign to yourself to create a stronger mind. 1. Read Right How much good news do you see in the newspapers? Editors usually say, "If it bleeds, it leads." Not much chance of positivity there. So, read something else. Read books - good books. Books that motivate you. Books that inspire you. Look up some of the great inspirational authors on or in your local bookstore. Read them every morning and/or every night, before you go to sleep. 2. Share Your Mind Find someone, or a group of someones, who have the same desire to share positivity. This is called masterminding. Great successes are created when great minds come together and think about the same things. 3. Find A Mentor My mentor was Buckminster Fuller and I learned more from that man about life than I ever hoped to. Who are the people you admire most, whether you know them or not? Figure out who you'd like to emulate and study them. If they offer seminars, attend them. If they've written books, read them. Just a few I'd recommend are: Tony Robbins, Dr. Wayne Dyer and Zig Ziglar. 4. Listen to Motivational/Inspirational CDs and Tapes This is one of the most important habits you can create for yourself. Find inspirational audio messages and listen to them over and over. Earl Nightingale, one of the most brilliant thinkers of our time, had this to say on the subject: "Tape listening is the most important advance in technology since the invention of the printing press." With audio tapes and CDs, speakers can reach 10 times as many people as the printed word ever could. 5. Sign Up and Attend Seminars The motivational messages you hear at seminars, and the inspirational people you meet, reinforce your self-esteem and positive thinking. You can search out seminars via the internet, newspapers or local colleges and universities. 6. Turn Off the Television On average, the television set in an American home is on over 7 hours a day. Just like any bad habit, it needs to be broken. I'm not saying that all television is bad. Heck no. I'm simply recommending that you cut back on your television viewing. Decide how long you're going to watch television and then turn it off when you're time is up. Try cutting back your television viewing one hour every day at first. You can use that time to read a book, listen to a motivational tape, walk your dog or spend time with your family. After reading these six steps maybe you're saying, "But Mark, I can't do it. I just don't know if I can be this dedicated to bettering myself?" Who else are you going to be dedicated to if not yourself? Because when it comes right down to it, folks, you are all that you've got. Jobs and relationships come and go. Children grow up, leave the nest and get lives of their own. Then there you are, alone with yourself. Why not create a "you" you can be proud of. ------------------------------------------ "Amaze yourself; manifest your full potential." ------------------------------------------ ACTION STEP In closing this week, I'd like to offer an exercise to complete in the week ahead: This week I want you to keep an awareness journal. For the next seven days I want you to carry a journal or notebook around with you and write down each time you come into contact with negativity from an outside source, whether it be a newspaper or magazine article, the nightly news, or a television program - anything that you experience to be negative that is not coming from within yourself. Keep track of them by day (Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday...), the outside source (news report on poverty) number (1,2,3,4,5...) At the end of the seven days tally how many times you were "hit" with negativity from an outside source. My bet is that you'll be amazed.. This exercise will show you just how aware you need to be of what is going on around you and what you allow to penetrate your mind. Mark Victor Hansen ======== Powerful stuff!
Help us spread the message to the world... Linda Miller 828-652-4714 Nebo, North Carolina
Re: Six Steps To A Stronger Mind
4/28/2006 3:40:25 PM
Hi Linda, I admire Mark Victor Hansen, thank you for posting this. Regards, - Join a company with a 98% success rate ADHD or starting memory loss or dementia? -
Arthur Webster

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Re: Six Steps To A Stronger Mind
4/28/2006 4:19:46 PM
Hi, Linda, Once again an interesting article but - once again, so blighted by irrational and wrong thinking. 1. Read right Read what you feel you want to read - if you start to allow anybody else to have a say in what you enjoy and appreciate, you will soon cease to be a fully functioning individual. You will attempt to become a clone of that person. If you kid yourself that the negative is some fearsome ogre to be shunned at all cost, you will never, ever learn to cope with the enormous power it can give you if you simply accept it as 50% of your life - which it is. 2. Share your mind. Yes. Share it - but not with another set of same thinking people afraid of seeing what is in front of them. Expose yourself to the danger of having a full and varied mental experience whenever you are sharing thoughts and ideas. 3. Find a mentor. No. Be your own mentor. Learn to exercise the power of your conscious mind, using others to find different ways to do this. Find role models and, if you wish, adopt those aspects of them that you feel will be of benefit to you. 4. Listen to Motivational and Inspirational tapes. Do this at your peril. Do you want to be master or mistress of your own mind or do you want to feed your mind on the pre-digested ideas designed by somebody else for the use of everybody else. Sheep seldom explore - they follow and are very happy to do so only because they know no better. 5. Sign up and attend seminars. If you must have a crutch to support you in your journey through your life, use the one that comes with your birth - your family. 6. Turn off the television. No. Get rid of the television. What is the point of watching other people in artificial life circumstances pratting about, making idiots of themselves? Get out and live your own life! If you do all of these things you will enjoy a life of rich experiences and be able to have no regrets at all about anything you ever did. You will learn to have pride in your individuality. You will appreciate that there is a vast tapestry of rich experience out there to wallow in and learn from. You will find that, even if you lose your place in the book, you will be able to cope. Mind you, you might find that you have an individuality that is so different that your days will be loaded with fresh and interesting experiences. You will learn that every experience enriches you. You will learn to examine other peoples' thoughts and extract from them those parts that are of benefit to you and discard those that are intended to corrupt your individuality into some sort of uniformity. You might not become an original thinker but you will think originally. Uniforms only disguise - they should not be used to mould. Regards
Linda Miller

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Re: Six Steps To A Stronger Mind
4/29/2006 1:21:13 AM
Hey Arthur, Interesting response and I appreciate it. I don't agree with all of it, but that's ok. I certainly respect your right to your own opinions and perfections. Thanks for your participation!
Help us spread the message to the world... Linda Miller 828-652-4714 Nebo, North Carolina
Arthur Webster

600 Posts
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Re: Six Steps To A Stronger Mind
4/29/2006 3:17:17 AM
Thanks Linda, It is nice to be able to say what I feel without some form of censure following. I do truly believe what I say but I often despair when I see a very interesing and challenging post receiving only bland and "ooh! lovely!" responses. It's also good to read articles that challenge what I believe because they give me another chance to reassess my convictions and either modify or reinforce them. Each one of these six steps could be a forum topic by itself. Thanks for introducing them.

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