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Linda Miller

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Million Dollar Manifesting Circle
4/27/2006 9:14:00 PM
Hello dear friends, This is an invitation for you to join my new Million Dollar Manifesting Circle... A few weeks ago I shared a method for manifesting prosperity that I learned from Jack Canfield of Chicken Soup for the Soul fame in The Secret Movie - If you missed the story, you can read it at the end of this message. I soon received a response from a friend, Angelica Cory, who wrote to me with her offer to receive one of the million dollar bills I had manifested. She wrote... "My thought on this, is if we give a million, millions more will come back around as it all starts with giving. So why not create a circle of giving these million dollar bills out if you have several of them.... The Universe only knows that you have shared a million dollars, nothing more, nothing less. I would love to play with you and be a participant in your Million Dollar YEAR!" What a great idea - spreading the wealth! Then I went away for vacation for 10 days - before I had a chance to send the million dollar bill to Angelica - and when I returned I had this message from Angelica... "This is a story you are going to LOVE, especially since it revolves around the timing I wrote you regarding the million dollar bill to hang on my ceiling about my bed... and your agreement for a creative manifesting circle with a million dollar incentive. I had been visualizing a Laptop with a 17" monitor ever since a drawing for one came out (about 5 days ago) from a company I advertise with online. The drawing happened on Sunday and I was not the winner, which surprised me as I saw myself typing on it and it fully loaded with all my FX charts, each and every day of those 5 days. I really desired a 3rd screen, one for my charts, one for my platform and my desktop to be on MeetingPro with group of traders I trade with each morning. An hour later (on Sunday) as I was typing a letter, I got this nudge to go to Ebay... what the hey, it was an R & R day so I went ahead over there. After scrolling through the laptops selling, about 15 entries down I see this 17" monitor Dell Inspiron7500 with stepped up speed, no bids with a starting price of $200 and yet the auction was to close in 11 minutes! Why no bids? I went and read about it and it was everything I had visualized and more, so I entered a bid just minutes before the auction closed and I WON THE BID! $200, a year and half old Inspiron w/ upgrades of 40 gigs, stepped up speed, huge RAM, XP Pro loaded on it, a carrying case and a wireless card ($90 value) from sistertara! Talk about magic!" Wow! I decided to share the opportunity to manifest more prosperity with anyone who cares to particpate ... so I have created the Million Dollar Manifesting Circle. Becoming a member means that you will join our discussion list (a YahooGroups list) and you will send a self-addressed, stamped envelope to me. I will then send to you TWO million dollar bills, ONE of which you agree to share with another deserving soul. If they would like to join, they can also send me a self-addressed stamped envelope and I will also send them two bills - as long as the supply lasts. The purpose in sharing these bills is to create a feeling of prosperity. The Universe and our subconscious minds do not know the difference in these bills and the "real thing." Place your million dollar bills where you will see them regularly. Tape them to your computer, put them in your wallet, on your mirror, on the ceiling above your bed, whatever makes you feel good. If you would like to participate in the Million Dollar Manifesting Circle, just come and join our discussion list and you will receive all the details automatically when your membership is approved. This is a private list and will be a great place to meet and build relationships with new friends. Join here: Or just send a blank email to: We will share our stories of simple manifestations to major manifestations. Our goal is to create a feeling of prosperity by sharing these million dollar bills. Join us and let the magic begin! Here is the story I previously posted.... Manifesting One Million Dollars I recently heard Jack Canfield - of Chicken Soup for the Soul fame - say that before he became the successful business man he is today, he set a goal to earn $100,000 within the next year - by Christmas. He took a one dollar bill and wrote on it with a thick marker and added zeros to make it read $100,000. He then taped the bill to the ceiling above his bed so that when he got in bed at night and again when he woke up in the morning he would see the bill that now read $100,000. He calculated the price of each book and the number of books he would need to sell to reach his goal of $100,000. By Christmas of that year, he had sold within a few dollars of $100,000 of his books. Success! Jack created that success by focusing on what he wanted and not focusing on what he didn't want. He just focused on $100,000. So, after I heard that, I took a one dollar bill and wrote $1,000,000 on it - because that is what I want - One Million Dollars! I taped the bill to the front of my computer so I would see it all day long when I'm working online. The very next day while I was cleaning out my office I went through a box of materials I had received for a blogging class I took a few months ago. In the box were DVD's, a manual, some business cards AND.... A One Million Dollar bill - you know the printed ones that look like real money! That one million dollar bill has been in that box for months... but I found it after I decided to focus on what I want to create. Do you see the symbolism and the response I got from the Universe? I gave the one million dollar bill to my husband who has it in his wallet to remind him that he is a millionaire. I sent an email note to my friend who had included the million dollar bill in the blogging training materials and she replied that I should have received SEVERAL million dollar bills, so she will be sending me even more! So, now I'm off to create my NEXT million dollars!
Help us spread the message to the world... Linda Miller 828-652-4714 Nebo, North Carolina
Re: Million Dollar Manifesting Circle
4/27/2006 10:17:17 PM
Hi Linda, Thanks once again! You are a star. Your friend, - Join a company with a 98% success rate ADHD or starting memory loss or dementia? -
Donna Zuehl

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Re: Million Dollar Manifesting Circle
4/28/2006 12:49:53 AM
Interesting concept Linda. Keep us posted as to whether this works for everyone involved. DonnaZ
Re: Million Dollar Manifesting Circle
4/28/2006 6:02:26 AM
Linda, Sounds like an interesting game! It reminds me of something my Coach had me do once. Her instructions were to: 1) Pick a name from the white pages of my phone book. Someone I did not know and send them cash with a note saying that "I believe that what I give to others comes back ten-fold and that I had picked their name from the phone book to put this principle into action." (paraphrased and pretty close). 2) Do any way, divulge my identity. NO name, NO address, nothing. 3) Mail cash - no checks, etc. Any amount I wanted to send. I said, Okey-dokey, I'll play this "Game" she had suggested. Now, I usually do not have cash on hand, as I always use my credit cards. And I opened my wallet and saw I had exactly (13) one dollar bills in it. I followed her instructions, sending all 13 bills and the very next day, I received exactly $130.00 from an affiliate program that I had randomly shared the link for, with people for about 2 years, and had never made ANY money from it!!! That day, they sent me that exact amount in a check!!!!! It was fun! Maybe it's time to do that again!!! :-) Love, Pat
Linda Miller

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Re: Million Dollar Manifesting Circle
4/28/2006 8:39:30 AM
Hey Pat, That sounds like "seed money." You planted it in faith - and it grew! Congratulations!
Help us spread the message to the world... Linda Miller 828-652-4714 Nebo, North Carolina

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