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Re: Whats your favorite surf site????
4/23/2006 10:28:33 AM
Kathy, there are so many sites like this out there and I know how hard it is to trust in the admins anymore. I have been using these for a month or so now and am very pleased with the support and honesty of the admins at these sites. Staying in touch with the members is key. Both of the following companies are owned or partially owned by the same folks. They have some other sites too. this one gives 7% a day for 25 days = 175% roi payouts are right on time this one pays 150% roi you can choose from 3 payment options -- Always paying on time This site belongs to Dave Cotrell here at Adlandpro. He is advertising and the site is growing. No money, but great response and your ads are viewed. Hope this will be helpful. Have a Blessed Life everyone! Saundra
Re: Whats your favorite surf site????
4/27/2006 12:30:09 AM
Hi Kathy, For traffic I have more than one favorite, and all have generated plenty of traffic for my websites. First is MegaHits-R-Us, Harold Coram's site (he's an Adlander) Here are just a few of the many benefits at MegaHits: *15 Second Timer (Auto) - 10 Second Timer (Manual) * 1000 FREE CREDITS are given to all New Members * Up to 5 urls are allowed for Free Member Accounts---I started getting hits immediately, and more importantly, from those hits, I got sales. Second is another Adlander, Dave Cottrell's site, Tower Hits; A very smooth running site, I'm seeing quite of bit of traffic from here as well. Third is Product Only, and despite the name, is now taking affliate marketing as well. I like this one simply because of the variety of ways you can promote your website(s). Autosurf, manual surf, for people with products, you can use the auction site, a sister site called USA Online and you can earn money by surfing & earning "shares" that mature. I've got several already. Here's the link: Total Rune is another site I've gotten good hits & sales from as well as earning money too. They did a very good job of dealing with the Storm Pay fiasco and took care of its members. Here's the link if you're interested in autosurfs & generating traffic that way: All 4 of these have great Admins, are honest & upfront. Lorraine

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