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Re: Whats your favorite surf site????
4/20/2006 5:31:01 PM
Hi Kathy, I've been getting good results from Automatic Visitors, both for page hits and banner hits. Good free autosurf too (for building rotation hits):
Steve Baric
Re: Whats your favorite surf site????
4/20/2006 5:35:40 PM
Thanks Kathy! I would have to say I firmly believe they are all a waste of time! Trading even 15 minutes a day surfing on one of these would add up to 4.5 hours a month. That at a minumum should be earning you least $100 dollars! If its not time to cut ties and re-direct those 4.5 hours on something tangible!
Re: Whats your favorite surf site????
4/20/2006 6:37:05 PM
Hi Kathy, My favorite surfsite is 2 dollar surf. A great site because *They are ethical and honest *Keep you informed all the time about what changes are going to happen *When the site is down (if this happens) you get a message reporting what is happening. *You get paid for referals 10 levels deep *You get paid 5% on all purchases your referals make *The normal payout time is 24 hours *Units last 365 days *Units only cost $2 and much more Please go and take a look yourself for all the nice details. It is a great site and they take care of you! Have a great day everyone and Happy surfing!
Take Care and Enjoy Your Day! Coralie
Re: Whats your favorite surf site????
4/20/2006 7:07:22 PM
Hi Again, I need to make a new post as I have just done my days surfing and saw that there was a message on the forum for all members to read. $2 dollar surf is making a lot of changes and some of the things I wrote are being changed on a long or short term basis. This is still my favorite site, because as I said they always inform you exactly what is happening, but I do not want anyone to join under "false conditions". Take a look at the new conditions and decide for yourself. Live well and Take Care
Take Care and Enjoy Your Day! Coralie
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Re: Whats your favorite surf site? MySuperSurfSite
4/20/2006 10:00:20 PM
Hello Kathy, You gave an idea to my next ForumTopic. Here is my Stats on my surf site. I Joined for free upgraded with my earnings and since then I am a GoldMember. PRODUCTONLY SUPERTSURF Available Cash: $14.00 Pending Withdrawals: $0.00 Shares Purchased: 1075 --Shares Cycled: 276 --Shares Not Cycled: 799 Money Spent: $272.00 Money Earned: $166.00 Pending Earnings: $1596.00 Reserve Funds: $114.00 Credits:1.775.000 >> $710.00>$1440.00 pending when transfered AUTOSURF timer 30 sec ManualSurf/SurfChat timer 20 sec Two PowerHowers on ManualSurf timer 10 sec The site: Joinfor FREE. A GIFT FROM ME to new members (Remember My Name's Day on Sunday. 15.000 credits (=$6.00 or $12.00 pending) New Members that surf 1000 pages Recipts sent from Admin. Recomendations (MOTO) AutoSurf While You Visit The Adlanders Warm Regards Georgios
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