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Trina Sonnenberg

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Re: What A wake up call/Out of the mouths of babes
4/20/2006 7:11:14 AM
Amen! Trina
Trina L.C. Sonnenberg Freelance Commercial Writer TLC Promotions & The Trii-Zine Ezine ISSN 1555-2276
Re: What A wake up call/Out of the mouths of babes
4/20/2006 9:22:06 PM
Hi Kathy, I am sending this to my cousin. P.S.
Marilyn L Martin

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Re: What A wake up call/Out of the mouths of babes
4/21/2006 12:45:13 AM
Hello Kathy, Thanks very much for sharing this with very sad...this brings tears to my eyes! It is not the children's fault at all, it is the adults that are their parents for their lack of parenting that is to blame and also the government for not allowing prayer and God in school anymore! We definitely need change, and we need it soon! Marilyn
Marilyn L Martin
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Kathy Hamilton

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Re: What A wake up call/Out of the mouths of babes
4/21/2006 12:54:44 AM
Hello Marilyn, Shall I pass the tissue,It is very sad all the things that are coming to pass,just pray and keep on praying.kathy
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Linda Mason

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Re: What A wake up call/Out of the mouths of babes
4/21/2006 9:49:53 PM
Hi Kathy I used to get a 'backside spanking' as a child when I was little... I don't remember it...I only know because mum told me that's what used to happen! This is a story which may just be an urban tale, but it has a message. In a line for the checkout at a supermarket, a young man with his milk and bread for the day, was standing behind a women with a full trolley. As she unloaded the contents, the child in the trolley got progressively louder with a growing temper over some sweets he wanted. The women kept talking to him sweetly... No darling, we don't scream like that... No darling, don't through things on the floor... No darling, sweeties are bad for your teeth... etc etc Finally, she gave in and handed the child what he wanted. The young man couldn't believe it! "Why did you just give in like that? How is that child ever going to learn about life?, You should have given him a spanking not the sweets!" The mother replied, "Oh No, we don't believe in punishment! we are progressive parents!" With that, the quick thinking young man opened his milk and poured the entire bottle over the child, saying…. "Hey, that's how my parents raised me too!" Linda

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