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Re: Warning!! of a Nasty so called Virus Protection program
4/18/2006 4:04:52 PM
Hi Anthony, Thank you for the warning. I have done a check of my hard drive, files and folders etc. I do not have it. I have windows firewall and I update my antivirus automatically and regular manual just to make sure.. It is still good to be warned when these nasties are around. Kind regards Amanda Martin-Shaver
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Re: Warning!! of a Nasty so called Virus Protection program
4/18/2006 4:08:14 PM
Wow! That's a new one. Thanks for the heads up. :) ********************************* Mother's Day is May 14th!!
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Re: Warning!! of a Nasty so called Virus Protection program
4/18/2006 4:11:12 PM
Now you tell me... My mother purchased this stupid thing and yes now after they have charged her card they keep poping up and asking to purchase the full version and it never goes away. not to mention I have never had so much trouble with my home pc as I have since she installed even my programs that I work with are starting to deny me saying that I don't exist or that I have been suspended for some suspicious action. And now you have given a name to my pain.. do you know how to get rid of the darn thing? Thanks Rebecca I love it love it love it! All you need is a web site. Any web site qualifies for our ‘pay on results’ service…
Rebecca Pauli
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Re: Warning!! of a Nasty so called Virus Protection program
4/18/2006 4:23:29 PM
Hi Anthony, Thank you for the warning. Your Friend Deborah
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Re: Warning!! of a Nasty so called Virus Protection program
4/18/2006 4:33:31 PM
Hello Rebecca. Unfortunately, if you do not have the know how, as Kate has replied in her post, you have to get the professionals in. I'm sorry but your Mom will have to as well, this is not an easy program to get out & it would be pointless in me telling you how I got rid of it as it could be hiding in totally different places on your PC and other places again on your Mom's. Do you know anyone who would have a look at it for you? Best tell your Mom not to contact anyone until her system is cleared, or she will just spread it like she has to you, also be careful yourself about contacting people. Your Security Friend in Las Vegas.

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