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Beth Schmillen

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Re: WELCOME to Vote on LIQUID Nutrition --
4/15/2006 3:38:44 PM
Great forum on the benefits of VIBE !!!!
Beth Schmillen

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Re: WELCOME to Vote on LIQUID Nutrition --
4/15/2006 3:40:00 PM
Re: Seen al these products? Vemma, Goji, Xango, Fruta Vida, Sea Silver, Mangosteen, & the list goes on...How many of you truly looked at this ALL IN ONE Health Drink called Vibe 101? We are NOW entering our momentum stage & those that jump on board Posted: 2006/02/08 12:39 AM Hi Scubapro48 I just wanted to point out that Vemma contains Mangosteen and according to a publication called the IMPORTANCE of Supplementation Vol 1 Issue 1 PLANT NUTRIENTS FROM THE MANGOSTEEN FRUIT INHIBIT LEUKEMIA CELL GROWTH "In a recent study, scientists examined the effects of a variety of xanthones found in mangosteen fruit on human leukemia cells. Xanthones are plant nutrients or phytochemicals that have been studied for their medicinal and antioxidant potential. all of the Xanthones displayed cell growth inhibitory effects. For mor information, go to the Journal of Natural Products, Volume 66, 2003" DERIVATIVE FROM MANGOSTEEN HAS CYTOTOXIC EFFECT ON CERTAIN TYPES OF CANCER CELLS Volume 68, 2002 OF THE Journal Planta Medica There is anecdotal testimony as to the health benefits of Mangosteen but there is also research that has been done that shows why there are health benefits. If you are curious about a nutritional supplement that is guaranteed with a 30-day money back refund -- go to There you will find info on the product and the business opppurtunity. Beth -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Wishing you Health & Prosperity, Beth 100% FREE Store EasyChairClub Tom Sparrow Joined: 13 Jan 2006 Total Posts: 136 Re: Seen all these products? Vemma, Goji, Xango, Fruta Vida, Sea Silver, Mangosteen, and the list goes on...How many of you truly looked at this ALL IN ONE Health Drink called Vibe 101? We are NOW entering our momentum stage and the TIMING is now!!! Posted: 2006/02/08 06:04 AM Beth-I don't disagree with you at all! Just that Vemma, like all the others are not a complete health regimen, simply part of the whole picture. All of these products have good qualities, just not complete like ours is. Please review the list of ingredients, compare that, compare the delivery system and, then compare the marketing plan. Also, take the time to listen to the 2 recorded calls (very important). PS-Would your end users (customers) prefer ONE single product that covers all the bases or would they want to take several? It just makes economic sense, correct? Also, at $2 per day, we cost less for our complete product (just $1.61 per day) Thanks-Tom -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Tom Sparrow 248-705-9716
Beth Schmillen

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Re: Vote on LIQUID Nutrition - emails to me!
4/17/2006 10:07:30 PM
nutritional supplements - messages to/from April Weston From April Weston: nutritional supplements Date: 4/14/2006 Hi Beth, Sorry, I do not take any nutritional supplements. However I am going to try Xango because my daughter-in-law has a case if it. She is going to let me try it. I will reserve my decision on it until then. Happy Easter to all aweston39 <<<>>><<<>>><<<<>>>><<<<>>>><<<<>>>><<<>>><<< To April Weston: Re: nutritional supplements Date: 4/14/2006 Hi April, thanks for letting me know. I had a chance to sell Xango several years ago but didn't have a clue what it was. It was through and I knew nothing about online marketing..... which is not much less than I know now! At the time, I couldn't promote a product (my own ethics) that I didn't know what it was.... I'm still choosy that way. What I like about the Xango website is that it works on my pc.... I almost switched from Vemma to Xango a while back Vemma has java scripts or something that can crash my browser so you have to have fast pc and fast connection...which anyone needs online nowadays anyway. I'm looking forward to your comments! Enjoy Easter with your family, Beth <<<>>><<<>>><><><><><<<>>><<<>>><<<>>> From April Weston: Re: nutritional supplements Date: 4/16/2006 Dear Beth, Hope you had a very happy Easter.Our dinner went well and it was great to be with my family. I tried the Xango juice(yuk).The taste was terrible.I even added cold water to water it down but it did not help. My daughter-in-law says that it is too expensive to use all the time even wholesale. We have decided not to buy it at this time. Maybe I will just eat more Sorry I could not be more positive about it. Thanks anyway your friend aweston39 <<<<<<<>>>>>>>><<<<<<<<>>>>>>>> To April Weston: Re: nutritional supplements Date: 4/17/2006 April, thanks for your input. Would it be ok if I posted your letter on my forum about nutritional products? I had an interesting easter day! Who could ask for more? lol Beth <<<>>><<<>>><><><><><<<>>><<<>>><<<>>> From April Weston: Re: nutritional supplements Date: 4/17/2006 Dear Beth, Glad you have a good Easter. It was be Ok with me if you post my letter. Have a great night, your friend aweston39 <<<>>><<<>>><><><><><><<<>>><<<>>><<<>>><><><>
Beth Schmillen

134 Posts
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Re: Vote on LIQUID Nutrition - emails to me!
4/17/2006 10:07:33 PM
nutritional supplements - messages to/from April Weston From April Weston: nutritional supplements Date: 4/14/2006 Hi Beth, Sorry, I do not take any nutritional supplements. However I am going to try Xango because my daughter-in-law has a case if it. She is going to let me try it. I will reserve my decision on it until then. Happy Easter to all aweston39 <<<>>><<<>>><<<<>>>><<<<>>>><<<<>>>><<<>>><<< To April Weston: Re: nutritional supplements Date: 4/14/2006 Hi April, thanks for letting me know. I had a chance to sell Xango several years ago but didn't have a clue what it was. It was through and I knew nothing about online marketing..... which is not much less than I know now! At the time, I couldn't promote a product (my own ethics) that I didn't know what it was.... I'm still choosy that way. What I like about the Xango website is that it works on my pc.... I almost switched from Vemma to Xango a while back Vemma has java scripts or something that can crash my browser so you have to have fast pc and fast connection...which anyone needs online nowadays anyway. I'm looking forward to your comments! Enjoy Easter with your family, Beth <<<>>><<<>>><><><><><<<>>><<<>>><<<>>> From April Weston: Re: nutritional supplements Date: 4/16/2006 Dear Beth, Hope you had a very happy Easter.Our dinner went well and it was great to be with my family. I tried the Xango juice(yuk).The taste was terrible.I even added cold water to water it down but it did not help. My daughter-in-law says that it is too expensive to use all the time even wholesale. We have decided not to buy it at this time. Maybe I will just eat more Sorry I could not be more positive about it. Thanks anyway your friend aweston39 <<<<<<<>>>>>>>><<<<<<<<>>>>>>>> To April Weston: Re: nutritional supplements Date: 4/17/2006 April, thanks for your input. Would it be ok if I posted your letter on my forum about nutritional products? I had an interesting easter day! Who could ask for more? lol Beth <<<>>><<<>>><><><><><<<>>><<<>>><<<>>> From April Weston: Re: nutritional supplements Date: 4/17/2006 Dear Beth, Glad you have a good Easter. It was be Ok with me if you post my letter. Have a great night, your friend aweston39 <<<>>><<<>>><><><><><><<<>>><<<>>><<<>>><><><>
Amanda Martin-Shaver

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Re: Vote on LIQUID Nutrition - emails to me!
5/4/2006 2:37:13 PM
Hello Beth, I read with interest the various nutritious healthy beverages, foods, bars etc. in these posts. What I noticed the most and support, is we are given a choice - I reckon each and everyone of the product/companies have produced their product which works for various people. Everyone has different taste buds and prefer to select what they like to eat and drink and what is palatable to them. James and I are promoting Xocai healthy dark chocolate that has the 4 top trends of top trends of Dark Chocolate, the Acai Berry, Omega Fatty Acids and Antioxidants, and no added sugar. Our product comes in beverage and chocolate nuggets and health bars will be available soon. Now all this aside, even though chocolate is the #1 craved food, I realise that not everyone is going to rush over to us to buy it or get on board with the company. We are telling you and others that Xocai is available - I appreciate their choice.. We each in the health and wellness industry let others know that there are choices. Kind regards Amanda Martin-Shaver