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Beth Schmillen

134 Posts
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Vote on LIQUID Nutrition - emails to me!
4/15/2006 2:40:31 PM
From Adam Guzik: RE: I would like your vote on liquid nutrition products!!! Date: 4/14/2006 Hi Beth, I am selling and using liquid nutrition. The name is ALVEO. Alveo has made with 26 herbs. It is liquid and is charge as negative. When you drink it is absorbs immediately. Vist website: All the Best Adam
Beth Schmillen

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Re: Vote on LIQUID Nutrition - emails to me!
4/15/2006 2:41:54 PM
From Tom Lindsey: Hi Beth, you asked Date: 4/15/2006 I drink Goji because of what it has done for me and my father. My Dad is 82 years old and has been on the Goji for a year. During that time his Dr has taken him off all his medications, (one for BP he was on for over 20 years) he was on a total of 4 and has documented in his health record Lycium Barbarum ( latin name of Goji). His blood sugar has stablized to 104. He is type 2 diabetic. He lost over 40 pounds and he has put his cane away. I have lost 28 pounds and my blood pressure is down a total of 20 points. I now sleep all night long, like a baby, hadn't done that in 18 years. I haven't had any pain in back since I've been on the juice. I used to go to the chiropractor several times a week. I went with Goji because out of all the juices out there it was the only one that has INDEPENDANT clinical research posted at type in Lycium Barbarum ( Latin botanical name for Goji) you'll find over 69 studies there. The other reason is the most notible name in health and nutrician Dr. Earl Mindell, spent 8 years researching this berry. If you would like information visit: Read what it has done for others: GHappy Easter, Tom
Beth Schmillen

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WELCOME to Vote on LIQUID Nutrition --
4/15/2006 3:09:41 PM
WELCOME anyone can post here. Just don't slam products, insult etc.... usual internet couertousy (sp?) Post heathy recipes. Say what you did not like about a product. Compare marketing of products that you personnaly have experience with or based on your understanding ... I have a heck of a time figuring out all the payment stuff of programs and how much it will take just to cover my initial fees/ much less make a profit... So, it would definitely help me to see the differences and define terms for those of us that are newbies at that aspect of online marketing... Post your your mind...speak freely... observe common community etiquette! Pleas avoid bringing relgion into the topic of Health drinks like what happened on Tom Sparrows forum! I posted after that a mention of how it had gone off into a theological discussion... and either I didn't post that successfully or it was deleted! I'll be back to check on you guys in case it overheats... I do maintain my privlege to delete a post as I see fit! But, don't make me do it! Grandma Beth is watching over this! Whose your Grandma now? Beth
Beth Schmillen

134 Posts
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Re: WELCOME to Vote on LIQUID Nutrition --
4/15/2006 3:25:49 PM
From Arthur Webster: Snake-oil salesmen Date: 4/15/2006 Hi, Beth, Thanks very much for the invite to the forum discussing the various merits of health supplements. I don't know if you have read my honest opinion but I am copying here a response to an accusation by Tom just in case he decides to delete my last post. I wrote:- Tom, For nearly forty years I have suffered a severe 24/7 - 365 headache. I have recurrent bouts of illness that lay me out for days on end. I have been overdosed by my medics on barbiturates and narcotics at times when my pain was too great to respond to anything else - DON'T YOU THINK IN ALL THAT TIME I HAVE NOT TRIED EVERY SNAKE-OIL SALESMANS REMEDY? Before you condemn somebody - learn a little about them. I have tried every product on the market. I have friends all over the world who supply me continually with samples as the latest miracle cure is announced. BEFORE YOU DRAW CONCLUSIONS - READ AND UNDERSTAND WHAT HAS BEEN WRITTEN - what I said was that you should not write knocking copy - it is low and demeans you. You accused the shops of being in the trade for profit and I simply pointed out that your motive ALSO is profit - but profit from a down line that could go many levels deep with each level taking a slice of the selling price. What is going on on my life at the moment is that I am surrounded by people who do not use the God given brains in their heads. They do not think about what they are saying. They believe any old hype as long as they think they can profit from it. They spout 'facts' with no independent source to support them (and, yes, I did try to find some support for your 'facts' before I wrote) and then they deliberately try to justify their stance by trying to belittle the person who dares to give an honest opinion. I will not be offended if you decide to delete my posts - but I hope you will think a little more carefully before you use knocking copy or try to attack anybody else's integrity. I don't think my brand of honesty was quite what you wanted but I thank you for inviting me to this particular forum. Regards Arthur
Beth Schmillen

134 Posts
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Re: WELCOME to Vote on LIQUID Nutrition --
4/15/2006 3:29:58 PM
From Tom Sparrow: Re: Beth-I appreciate youre enthusiasm, but Eniva is rocking!!! The Vibe is the best thing I have ever done in my 15 year career!!! Date: 4/13/2006 Homework time! :o) Use these two direct ingredient charts to compare notes! :o) Tom