
Re: Old age isn’t so bad....
4/13/2006 3:45:32 PM
I chuckled when I read the subject in the email.Maybe that's a sign that I better start appreciating getting old and not think of an alternative. Hehehehehe. __________ Kenneth R Sword Jr Co-CEO - Bizzy Blogz New! Bizzy Blogz Community - like MySpace An Advertising Traffic Machine
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John Rivera

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Re: Old age isn’t so bad....
4/13/2006 5:58:34 PM
Hi Bodgan Old Age Yes, Alternative - too many! ------------------------------------------ Place a FREE AD on me: FREE: Multiply Your Advertising Results By Thousands With Your Ad Listed On 5635+ Sites! Tons OF Traffic!
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Re: Old age isn’t so bad....
4/13/2006 7:07:30 PM
Bogdan, I know of a lot of people that are young, (35-40) but have the cardiovascular system of a 80-90 year old. And when you get my age, this quote becomes more and more realistic!
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Neil Reinhardt

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Re: Old age isn’t so bad....
4/13/2006 9:04:03 PM
Hi Bogdan, Thanks for the quote. Me, I HATE being old. While I would like it a lot more were I rich, being younger is so much better. Methinks the young have no clue how great being young is. (I sure do not think I realized it.) Yea, I'm still playing two person Beach Volleyball in the deep sands of the best city in the world, (Which is Manhattan Beach, Ca.) & my health is much better than many my age. (Manhattan Beach, Ca. is to Beach Volleyball what Wimbelton, England is to tennis.) And while Noni Juice has really helped reduce the aches/pains of old age and done many other really great things, being young would still be better.
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Jeffrey Obrien

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Re: Old age isn’t so bad....
4/14/2006 12:30:53 AM
Hello Bogdan, awesome mate.I must agree with the "Old age.." aspect as long as one is relatively healthy,happy and most important your wives or husbands what ever the case may be. Things alway's improve with age however we do slow down somewhat,although other's tend to still think they are still 21. If you are healthy and a active person then it's goes without saying you still have it...he he he LOL so look after it and use it to it's fullest because when it's gone it's gone... feel act as young as you feel then everything else will fall into it's place. Have an awesome day/night bogdan and everyone regards jeffrey OBrien
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