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Riddle. Who am I?
4/13/2006 1:15:54 AM
I am your constant companion. I am your greatest helper or heaviest burden. I will push you onward or drag you down to failure. I am the servant of all great people and, alas, of all failures as well. Those who are great, I have made great. Those who are failures, I have made failures. You may run me for profit or run me for ruin, it makes no difference to me. Take me, train me and I will place the world at your feet. Be easy with me and I will destroy you. Who am I? =========== Can you guess? Fill in the blank; I am __________. ===========
Re: Riddle. Who am I?
4/13/2006 1:31:34 AM
Hi Linda Let me guess the answer to your riddle. You are fear. Please correct me if I am wrong.
Dennis Mellum
Re: Riddle. Who am I?
4/13/2006 5:01:11 AM
Linda, I am your mind. The mind is a power instrument for good or evil, for sucess or failure. Let me know if the answer is different.
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Re: Riddle. Who am I?
4/13/2006 9:04:45 AM
I say that this is Jesus Christ our maker or our breaker. Let me know if I wrong. I can't help but look at it any other way. Thanks Linda for allowing me to contribute to your forum.
Angela Cardwell

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Re: Riddle. Who am I?
4/13/2006 9:45:07 AM
------------------------------------------ I am a HABIT! Habits control everything about us. Whether good or bad...Family, social, play or business. Angela
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