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Linda Miller

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CYWT - How You Get Stuck In Time
4/11/2006 7:23:23 PM
Hey there, I hope you enjoy this next article from by David Cameron Gikandi of If you would like to have all of these articles sent directly to your email so you can print or forward to friends, etc., I have set them up to be sent to you automatically and you can subscribe by sending a blank email here: How You Get Stuck In Time "Why does this always keep happening to me? Why me, always?" How many times have you asked yourself this? How many people do you know of who ask themselves this same question? It is a common question, isn't it? So, how is it that we come to be stuck in time, with history repeating itself, and the same sort of thing "always happening to me"? Simple. Follow this cycle... Whatever you give your attention to, you create (that is why positive thinking works - and it is why negative thinking causes trouble for you). Your attention, when not under the direction of Your Will, always follows past conditioning (belief patterns) and your perception of your environment. It is like a wild monkey, jumping from this to that, in your mind, seemingly out of control. Your environment arises from your state of being and your thoughts. It is literally a mirror reflecting your past thoughts and states. How else do you suppose you got where you are now? Your state of being and your thoughts arise depending on what state and what thought you placed your attention on. Your past conditioning (beliefs) are created and strengthened by whatever conclusion you chose to make about yourself in relation to an experience you created. At every experience you will find the freedom to choose whether you will view yourself as a victim or victor. For example, some people honestly believe they are powerless without money, while others know for certain that their power is not dependent on money or anything external. The truth is, no one is powerless without money. We create money, it doesn't create itself. Furthermore, to be honest, it isn't real. Of the trillions of dollars on the planet, only about 4% is in hard currency (funny looking colored pieces of paper and cheap metallic coins) while the rest is imaginary money recorded on computers and papers and ATM cards. Its pure smoke, but we all agree to it. It is impossible that the unreal (illusion) can have dominion over the Real unless the Real agrees through mistaken identity and beliefs. The illusion cannot exist without the dreams of the Real - how can it then have power over the Real? Now, do you see why some people make it and others don't, even though they may have a similar start? It all boils down to your idea of you in relation to the experience; you are literally experiencing your beliefs about the experience. The experience itself is neutral, and it only happens when you create it (or co- create it). Experiences you create come about because you have given attention to the idea of that experience. And the cycle starts again, using different forms but the same essence... Whatever you give your attention to, you create. Your attention, when not under the direction of Your Will, always follows past conditioning and your perception of your environment. Your environment arises from your state of being and your thoughts. Your state of being and your thoughts arise depending on what state and what thought you place your attention on. Your past conditioning (beliefs) are created and strengthened by whatever conclusion you chose to make about yourself and an experience you created. Experiences you create come about because you have given attention to the idea of that experience. And the cycle starts again, using different forms but the same essence... Whatever you give your attention to, you create. Your attention, when not under the direction of Your Will, always follows past conditioning and your perception of your environment. Your environment arises from your state of being and your thoughts. Your state of being and your thoughts arise depending on what state and what thought you place your attention on. Your past conditioning (beliefs) are created and strengthened by whatever conclusion you chose to make about yourself and an experience you created. Experiences you create come about because you have given attention to the idea of that experience. And the cycle starts again, using different forms but the same essence... Unless... You chose to bring your attention back to the direction of Your Will. Once your attention is at the direction of your Will, you can deliberately choose what thought and what emotion you will have, at every moment. The last time most people had their attention under the direction of their Will was as a little child. Before the unwitting training in disruption of attention started ("Jack! Put that down!" or "Jane! What were you thinking!"), you had your attention completely at your will. Your mind did not hop around in a buzz of unordered activity all day, seemingly out of your control. Once you have your attention fully under the direction of your Will, you can choose the thought and emotion you wish to have next, and nothing outside of you can disturb your peace or change your course. You stop reacting and start creating. And the only way to get attention under the will is to practice presence, being present in the Now Here moment. Once you see that the metal noise is the cause of the problem and not the solution (as you previously may have thought, and that is why you started to use it in the first place), you then can choose to practice being aware of it and not letting it run on. It is useless, so why have it? You can choose to practice having your attention Here and Now, always and in all ways. It gets easier each day with practice. At first it is like turning a train around 180 degrees - it takes effort - but once you get going in the right direction, the train's momentum itself helps you and keeps you from turning back, and it becomes effortless! And finally, you experience a whole new world of your liking! ________ Article written by David Cameron Gikandi. For even greater insights into your quest for wealth and financial liberty and ability, go here:
Help us spread the message to the world... Linda Miller 828-652-4714 Nebo, North Carolina
Re: CYWT - How You Get Stuck In Time
4/11/2006 8:43:47 PM
Hi Linda; Usually, I'm quick to agree with the articles you post. I believe we achieve according to what we believe. I believe money flows like a river and it doesn't care WHO it flows through. I believe we are are energy and we attract the kind of energy give off, much like a tuning fork. But - even in saying those things, I think a lot of people that teach attraction and self growth fail to mention one thing. It's this; We do not live in a vacuum, affected only by ourselves. We are affected by the people around us. In the past, I was married to an alcoholic. His money management skills were poor and his "give a d*mn" skills were worse. (And no, he wasn't an alcoholic when we married, so I didn't "choose" that kind of partner) Too often, I was left scrambling because he bought booze or tools or toys or bought rounds for everyone at the bar - and I was left figuring out how to pay for skating lessons or hockey coaching or school supplies. It was a life of craziness. The more responsible I tried to be, the less responsible he became. Until I left. My attitude was fine and my business was growing - but my frustration (with him) was growing, too. At that time, was I "attracting" according to what I was? Or what he was? Many people deal with the horror of self destructive people (partners, parents and children) on a daily basis. When it's a partner, we have a choice to make. Not an easy choice by any means, but a choice. When it's a child, the choice is a hundred times harder, if not more. I cannot even imagine the grief that parents of drug addicts must live with. I'd really like to know how some of the "personal growth" and "you attract what you think" people would say in regard to those scenarios. : ) Linda P.S. Hope I didn't throw the whole thread into left field - but it's something I've always wondered.
Re: CYWT - How You Get Stuck In Time
4/11/2006 9:07:22 PM
Hi Linda, I have spent so much time saying the Serenity Prayer over and over, and I certainly didn't attract it because of what I was thinking, or by who I was. Life just happens sometimes and it has absolutely nothing to do with you. - Join a company with a 98% success rate ADHD or starting memory loss or dementia? -
Linda Miller

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Re: CYWT - How You Get Stuck In Time
4/11/2006 9:09:26 PM
Hey Linda, Yours is a very good question and the answer from my perspective is one that is sometimes not easy to accept. I can speak from experience. My own and only son passed over in 2003 and since then I have done a lot of "soul searching" and personal exploration to understand why my son had to go before me. What I have come to believe is based primarily on my studies of Radical Forgiveness - You can read the first chapter of the book at the website above and that will help you understand what I am about to say. I believe that YES we do attract whatever is our experience - and that each experience is in perfect and divine order - regardless of how it appears. I would never expect anyone to understand WHY a child may be born and live for only an hour or why a child is physically abused or why anyone is raped or murdered. I certainly don't understand that on a human physical level. BUT on a spiritual level, I believe that each of us - including the babies - chooses (on a spiritual soul level) our experience here on earth. I believe we are here to learn specific lessons and that we came here TO learn those lessons. That explains to me why my son left at the age of 26. He came to have his own certain experiences and it was time for him to go. His life influenced MY life tremendously and I cannot tell you how many people call to discuss the passing of their own child when they read the story of my Brian that I have posted at his memorial website - I feel that I am able to help them because of my own experience. Colin Tipping, the author of Radical Forgiveness himself has told me on more than one occasion that even though we cannot understand on a physical level why we create certain experiences in our lives, there is an order and if we can step back and become the "Observer" of our experiences, it is a LITTLE clearer. I don't ever expect to fully understand what I have come to believe... but I believe it and it is what gets me through every day. So, YES, Linda "I" believe that you did attract to you whatever experiences - good or bad - you have had in your life. Have you heard the story of the tapestry? The back of a tapestry is knotted and the threads are criss-crossed every which way and it makes no sense at all. It is ugly and something that we would never choose to display. BUT the front of the tapestry - which is made up of all the knots and threads on the back - is beautiful and perfect and we love looking at it. That is how I have come to view life. The back of the tapestry represents divorce and the passing of our loved ones, crime, etc. - and the front is the result of the events represented on the back. Does that make sense to you Linda?
Help us spread the message to the world... Linda Miller 828-652-4714 Nebo, North Carolina
Linda Miller

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Re: CYWT - How You Get Stuck In Time
4/11/2006 9:22:08 PM
Hi Jennifer, I completely respect your right to believe as you do and thank you for sharing your insight. I choose to believe that everything - and I do mean everything - serves a purpose and there are no accidents or coincidences. When I start to pay attention, sometimes I can see the lesson to be learned - and most of the time I cannot. Life makes more sense to me when I believe there is an order and a plan even though I may not always understand the plan. Your thoughts are appreciated. :)
Help us spread the message to the world... Linda Miller 828-652-4714 Nebo, North Carolina