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Flag of Ana Maria Padurean

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Understanding a Woman's Language
4/11/2006 11:42:01 AM
Welcome to everyone :-) "Fine" - This is the word we use at the end of any argument that we feel we are right about but need to shut you up. NEVER use fine to describe how a woman looks. This will cause you to have one of those arguments. "Five minutes" - This is half an hour. It is equivalent to the five minutes that your football game is going to last before you take out the trash, so it's an even trade. "Nothing" - This means something and you should be on your toes. "Nothing" is usually used to describe the feeling a woman has of wanting to turn you inside out, upside down, and backwards. "Nothing" usually signifies an argument that will last "Five Minutes" and end with the word "Fine". "Go Ahead" (with raised eyebrows) - This is a dare. One that will result in a woman getting upset over "Nothing" and will end with the word "Fine". "Go Ahead" (normal eyebrows) - This means "I give up" or "do what you want because I don't care". You will get a raised eyebrow "Go ahead" in just a few minutes, followed by "Nothing" and "Fine" and she will talk to you in about "Five Minutes" when she cools off.
Flag of Julie Thomsen

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Re: Understanding a Woman's Language
4/11/2006 12:00:03 PM
Good Morning,AnaMaria. Cute but oh so true in some instances! Thank you for the post...I sent it to my daughter-in-law...I am sure she will make sure my son sees this! He hasn't quite figured it out fits her language to a tee!!! Take care, Julie T "Eithout a dream, you are not living." JET
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Re: Understanding a Woman's Language
4/11/2006 12:07:45 PM
Helli Julie! Nice to see you here. I just went to see where are you from, to be 12 hours ahead or behind?! I will never know that :-) Wish you a great day!
Flag of Deborah Skovron

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Re: Understanding a Woman's Language
4/11/2006 12:09:01 PM
Hi AnaMaria, How funny, but sooo true. Thanks for the giggle. Your Good Friend Deborah
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Flag of Lisa Westberry

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Re: Understanding a Woman's Language
4/11/2006 5:12:00 PM
Hello Ana, This was Awesome!!! Very Cool and Very True!! Thank you for sharing. Hugs!!

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